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Ashton's POV

The days after Harry came back my mum spent so much time with him. He still didn't tell us exactly what happened. I knew he was lying.

Today my mum sat us all down for breakfast and said she needed to talk to us. I was kinda nervous for what she was going to say to us.

"Brent is going to be moving in." My mum told us.

"What?" I exclaimed. "No he can't."

"Actually he can." My mum answered. "He is bringing his things here today and then we are having pizza for dinner."

I knew I couldn't change my mum's mind about Brent any time soon so I didn't even try. Instead I went to my room. For some reason I got a feeling that maybe Brent could be C. It is a possibility. He left the night Calum went missing. It all adds up. Maybe while Brent and my mum go pick up dinner I could take a few peeks at his things that he is bringing here.

Around four Brent started moving his things in. He didn't have very much though. Apparently he put his furniture and other things in storage.

When my mum and Brent left to go get the pizzas I ran downstairs as fast as I could and into the living room where all of the boxes were at the moment.

I opened the first box and all that was in it was clothes. It was like that for the most of the other boxes too.

"What do you think you're doing?" Harry asked.

I didn't answer him.

"These are Brent's boxes not yours." Harry continued. "So what are you doing to his things?"

I stopped looking through the box and looked at Harry.

"Harry, you are totally right. These are Brent's things but until you can tell me exactly what happened when you went missing I won't tell you exactly what I'm doing. Understand?" I answered.

"Ever since that boy who looked like Calum was found hanging in that barn you've been so mean." Harry blurted and the second he said it all the look on his face showed that he regretted it.

"What do you mean the boy who looked like Calum?" I questioned him.

"That's not what I said. I said Calum. There is no boy that looks like him." Harry said nervously.

"No you said a boy looked like Calum. Have you seen Calum?"

"Uh I...No." Harry stuttered.

I quickly looked through the next box and saw a CD hidden between two shirts. It was the CD that was in the box Mali-Koa found. How did Brent have it? Is he C?

I hurried and grabbed the CD before putting all the boxes back exactly how they were before.

"Harry, Calum could be alive and he may need my help. Please." I said to Harry, putting my hand on his shoulder.


I couldn't get Harry to tell me the truth then because he didn't feel safe talking about it here at that time. Instead after dinner I told my mum I was taking him to the mall but instead we just drove around a bit and talked.

"So somebody dressed in all black took you and threatened you?" I asked Harry after he finished telling me everything.

He nodded his head. This was a lot to take in. I was supposed to be there for him and protect him.

"Did they hurt you?" I asked worriedly.

He shook his head 'no'.

I started driving back home.

"So you really think Calum is still alive?" Harry asked me.

"There is a huge chance that he could be," I nodded my head.

When I got home my mum told me that Calum's mum stopped by and gave us an invitation for a charity fundraiser for her work. She always had charity fundraisers. Last year she had a little fashion show. This year she wants Luke, Michael, and I to be in. She wants us, 3 boys, to help out at a fashion show. She said we could even model an outfit if we wanted to.

I'm no model but it's hard to say no to her after everything that has happened.

As I was walking upstairs I got a text from C.

I hope you can model clothes as good as you can lie. -C

Wow Brent, what are you going to do now? Sabotage a charity event? Do you want us all to call you dad or C?

Even though it was early, I was pretty tired. I had the CD hidden under my mattress and I planned on telling Luke and Michael about it tomorrow. Just as I closed my eyes I heard a loud noise and the whole house shook. I heard a scream too, and glass breaking.

I jumped up and ran downstairs A car drove through the front of our house. My mum ran over to the car from the kitchen. There was no driver. My mum screamed and her face turned pale. I didn't understand why she was yelling and crying but once I walked over to the car I immediately knew. Then too I was also beginning to get tears in my eyes and my I began shaking. My face was probably pale too.

My sister Lauren ran into the kitchen and called 911. My mum was crying uncontrollably now and I tried to calm her down by telling it'll be okay but I knee it wouldn't be after this. Ever.

The car that drove right through the front of out house hit Harry who was sitting on the couch at the time it happened. Now he was partly under the car. His leg was visible since it wasn't all the way under the car. Pools of blood were all around his body.

In that moment all I wanted was for Harry to be alive. There was nothing else in the world I wanted more.

My phone buzzed and it was yet again another text from C.

Harry promised me he'd never tell anyone what happened. He broke my promise so I broke him. -C


So, was this chapter any good? I tried to make it good and I really hope you like it. Anyways, do any of you have any ideas who C could be yet?

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