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Luke's POV

"Are you okay, mum?" I asked my mum who was sitting at the kitchen table all by herself. She looked stressed and upset.

She took a deep breath before talking. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She faked a smile.

"What is that?" I asked gesturing at the papers spread out on the table.

"Oh just bills that need to be paid." She said.

"Do you work tomorrow?" I asked, walking over towards the fridge and opening it. There was nothing good to eat and I am starving.

"No. Actually, Luke I wanted to talk to you about that." She says to me.

I closed the fridge and turn around to face her.

"I got fired yesterday. They let a total of five people go and I was one of them." She told me. "We have bills that need to be paid but I don't know if I can pay them."

"We'll find a way to pay them. I could always get a job." I suggested.

She smiled at me and my phone went off. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at my new message.

Bribing your mum's boss to fire her was easy. -C

"Who is it?" My mum asked.

"It's just Ashton." I lied. "I forgot I was supposed to go to his place an hour ago. I have to go but I'll be back for dinner."

I left and drove to Ashton's house. Ashton has no clue I am coming over so I guess it'll be a surprise to him but I have a feeling what I am about to tell him will surprise him even more.

I knocked on the door and at first nobody answered until finally his mum answered.

"Oh hello, Luke." She greeted. "Ashton isn't here right now but I bet you can find him at Michael's."

"Okay, thanks." I thanked her before leaving to go to Michael's house.

When I got to Michael's I knocked on the door and Michael answered.

"I got another text." I said, walking inside.

"What did it say?" He asked me as we walked up to his room.

"I'll show you." I said as we walked in.

"Show him what?" Ash asked.

"The text I got from 'C'." I replied getting my phone out of my pocket and showing them the text.

"That's what I hate; 'C' thinks that he or she can just come into our life and mess it up like it's nothing." I said.

"We can't let 'C' just mess with the people that matter to us." Ash says.

"And how do you plan on stopping 'C' exactly? We don't even know who 'C' is so it's not like we can tell him to stop." Michael reminded.

Just then each of our phones went off. We all got the same text.

The game isn't over until I say it is and I'm not going to play fair. Watch your backs. -C

My heart began beating so fast I thought it was going to shoot out of my chest.

"It's not like 'C' can physically hurt us, right?" I asked. Neither of them answered me. They both had worried looks on their faces. "Right?" I asked one more time.

"I'm afraid you're wrong, Luke." Michael began. "We could get hurt at any moment and it can be 'C's fault."

It was quiet for a moment.

"Did you hear that?" Michael whispered.

"Yes." Ashton whispered back.

"I heard it too." I was quite scared and nervous and when I get nervous my hands sweat a lot. I wiped my hands off onto my pants as I followed Michael and Ashton out of Michael's room.

"What if 'C' is down there?" I asked frantically. "I'm not prepared to die."

"You won't die." Michael rolled his eyes. "Just follow me and stay quiet."

I followed them down the steps quietly. I was convinced that every sound I heard was made by 'C' and that 'C' is somewhere in this house.

All the lights in the house were off so it was pitch black. Michael turned on the kitchen light making me wish it could've stayed of forever after finding a message left from 'C'.

'The most innocent eyes can hide the darkest secrets. -C' was written on the wall in what looked red marker.

Michael quickly grabbed a towel and got it wet before trying to scrub the red marker off the wall. It didn't come off. He cursed under his breath and ran to the basement leaving Ashton and I alone in the kitchen. It only took Michael a minute before he came back upstairs with some paint and three paint brushes. The paint was a tan color like the kitchen. He opened the paint and without any of us saying a word to each other we began painting over the red letters.

I'm still not completely sure I know what the message from 'C' means. Are they trying to give us a clue about who could be 'C' or are they trying to give us a clue on who kidnapped and/or killed Calum?

I really hope he is alive. I want to be able to see him again but I don't want to see him in a coffin at his funeral.

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