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To all you who haven't yet read my recent authors note, this is just a rewrite of chapter fifteen since the whole chapter didn't save and publish. So, if I were you, I'd read this chapter!

Luke's POV

Michael's mum talked to my mum and she said that it'd be okay if we stayed with them until we figure things out. In their house the have four total bedrooms. One downstairs which is Michael's parents' room and one of the rooms upstairs is Michael's. They are letting us use the two other ones.

Lately, I've been feeling a bit bad for my mum because she has had to pay for so many things for me and she doesn't have a job so she doesn't have much money. Slowly, I've been giving her the money I got from 'C'.

My mum says she'll try and figure things out. She says she's thinking about us moving in with my grandma since but she lives half an hour away. I don't want to go but I don't think I really have a choice, honestly.


"Luke, look at this." Michael said handing me page 2 of Calum's files.

I began reading it. It said a bit before Calum was found, someone beat him with a sticklike object. They think it could've been a baseball bat that he was beaten with. They think he was already dead before someone hung Calum to make it look like he killed himself.

That's disgusting.

Michael and heard someone coming upstairs and walking towards his room so we quickly hid the file.

It was mine and Michael's mum.

"We need to talk to you two." Michael's mum said.

"About what?" Michael asked them.

"Dr. Warren think you two and Ashton need to spend some time apart at the therapy sessions and anywhere else." My mum explained to us.

"What?" I asked. "You're going to split us up?"

"Dr. Warren says it'd be good for you boys." Michael's mum says. "It's for the best."

"If Dr. Warren told you to shoot me would you?" Michael asked sounding a bit upset that they're splitting us all up.

"You're overreacting, Michael." She answered.

Michael didn't reply. Instead, he walked out of the room and left the house.

Michael's mum left the room too, probably to chase after Michael. Honestly, I don't think he was overreacting. I don't think this is fair. In the time that we need to stick together, they all decide to break us apart.

"Luke, I think we are going to go stay with your grandma." My mum says to me. "I've talked to her and she's fine with it. We're leaving on Saturday."

"I can't just leave my friends." I replied. I really can't leave them. Especially since 'C' did try to kill me twice and I ended up with a broken leg. I am the weakest link. I can't survive all of this without Michael and Ashton.

"I'm sorry but it's the best thing we can do right now." She smiled weakly at me before leaving the room.

I grabbed my crutches and started to walk out of the room. I got a text.

Now you're just making this easy! Ash and Mikey won't be able to save you this time. -C

I can't go live with my grandma. If I do, C will have an easier shot at killing me like they killed Calum.


At around 3 in the morning I woke up to Michael shaking my shoulders in attempt to wake me up.

"What do you want?" I asked him, still a bit tired.

"Ash called me and said that Calum's family is moving back into their old house," Michael began. "Mali-Koa found some of Calum's stuff hidden under the floor boards. She wants us to come look at it."

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said walking out of the room and I followed him out to the car.

"Why would Calum hide it though?" I asked.

"Hiding things was like his hobby." Michael answered. "He could hide anything whether it was an object or a secret."


Mali-Koa gave us a little box. We didn't open it in front of her. We waited until the three of us left right after and went to a nearby café to look inside the box.

I opened the box and inside was a piece of paper and CD wrapped in several layers of newspaper. The note said "It's your turn to pay." What does that even mean?

Some things in the newspaper were highlighted. An ad for some hotel a good hour away from here was highlighted and circled in red pen. The hotel was called RedRoof Suites. Also, a few columns were highlighted. It seemed like two people having a conversation in the newspaper.

Who are you?

It's a secret. -C

What is that supposed to mean?

It's easier for two to keep a secret when one of them is dead. -C

Calum had a conversation with 'C'. I can't believe it.

"What is RedRoof Suites?" Ash asked. "Maybe C was staying there?"

"Or maybe Cal was staying there too." Michael suggested. "Remember when Calum went to visit family for a week out of town? He was gone for two weeks but he only stayed with his family for one."

"And you're saying?" I asked.

"What I'm trying to say is what if Calum was close to figuring out who this C person is? Maybe they both were staying at the hotel and Calum was trying to figure out who C was?" Michael questioned. "What if he did find out but he knew too much?"

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