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Harry lost a lot of blood. When he first got to the hospital he was in fact breathing. You could tell he was struggling just to get a breath of air. In the ambulance his eyes were barely open but when they opened a little he'd look up at my mum and I. You could see the fear and pain in his eyes. He looked so scared, never knowing when it could be his last breath.

I didn't call Michael and Luke until we got to the hospital. When I called them they were shocked and worried.

Harry might die all because of me. All because I just had to get some stupid answers. I'm so selfish. I didn't even consider what C could do to him if he told me.


Luke's POV

When Ashton called me to tell me that a car had ran into the side of their house and hit Harry I knew for a fact it had to do with C.

Ashton was crying so I told him I'd come and stay with him and Michael. While Ashton and I were talking on the phone and it went quiet for a moment, out of nowhere he asked me, "Luke, do you think Harry is going to die?".

I told him I wasn't sure. I really wasn't sure. Harry could survive even though he lost quite a bit of blood. Or he could die. Either way it's all C's fault. Who could be next? It could be me, Ash, Michael, or even a family member.

After the phone call was over and I told my mum I was going to see Michael and Ashton because Harry was hurt, I made a decision. I was going to give my family the rest of the money I got from C so we could move back in town. We could live get an apartment or a smaller house than our last one but it'd be better than nothing.


When I got to the hospital Michael was already there with Ashton. Michael said we could stay over at his house for the night.

Michael and I tried to take Ashton's mind off things by changing the subjects and talking about other things to cheer him up. Somehow we got to the topic of talking about Kaylee.

"I still think she could possibly be C," I said and Ash nodded in agreement while Michael disagreed.

"She's my girlfriend." Michael replied. "She couldn't be C. She wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Maybe she wouldn't hurt a fly but she would hurt us and our family, if she is C." Ash says.

"If you guys had girlfriends how would you feel if I said they were C?" Michael asked.

"Well we don't have girlfriends so I don't know how we'd feel." I answered, looking at Michael then at Ashton. Ashton was staring at the ground.

"You don't have a girlfriend, right Ash?" I asked him and he looked up at me shaking his head.

"But what about tonight?" Michael asked. "You really think she could drive a car into the side of a house without even actually driving it?"

"I've been wondering that too." I shook my head, "It just doesn't make any sense."

"C is always one step ahead of us so obviously they are smart. If they had the right tools and stuff they could easily make a car drive without being in the car." Ashton answered.

"Wow, man. When did you become so smart?" I asked him, jokingly.

"But still, I can't imagine Kaylee doing all of that stuff." Michael announced. "But on the other hand I can imagine Brent doing all of that and maybe even he got Andrew to help him."

"What do you mean?" Ash and I both asked.

"Brent could have all the technologies to do all these things. He could have hidden security cameras hidden everywhere we go since he is a cop. Plus, that night when Ashton was drugged and he thought he saw Calum he probably was already drugged and he was just seeing things. Now, where would Brent get the drugs? His good old friend Andrew."

"That's good but what about Tyson?" I asked Michael.

"Tyson?" Michael seemed confused about how Tyson could fit into all of this.

"Don't you think it's fishy how on the day of Calum's funeral Tyson comes to the funeral? Calum hated Tyson. There has to be a connection." I replied.

"Is there anybody else on your C list?" Ash asked me.

"Yeah. Max." I told them. "Calum and Max hated each other, remember? Max was the biggest nerd and Calum made sure we all hated him too. Remember when I told you guys how he said Calum talked to him the night he went missing? Well, Max wants to talk to me about it. Alone."

"Do you trust him though?" Michael asked. "What if he's C and he kills you?"

"Honestly, I don't think he's C. I just think Calum gave him a hard time and maybe he's not as bad as we were made to believe." I answered. "I'll try to talk to him tomorrow."

"Do you want us to come?" Ash asked. "We could wait in the car or behind some trees and bushes while you two talk?"

"No, it's fine." I said. "I want him to trust me so I'll just go alone."

"You sure?" Michael asked.

I nodded.

"If he hurts you though..." Michael started to say. He didn't need to finish the sentence for Ash and I to know what he was going to say. He was going to hurt or beat up Max if he hurt me in any way.


I wish I could say there were more days for Harry. He died three hours later in the hospital from blood loss.

Michael's mum was the one who told us around midnight. Ashton cried. We tried comforting him and giving him hugs as he cried but I could tell none of the sympathy we gave him made him feel any better. He looked both angry and sad. This was all of C's fault that Ashton lost his younger brother.

In between sobs Ash mumbled the words "It should've been me instead of him" and "I'm going to kill C for real."

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