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Before I start this story I just want to say that I got the idea from a song and a tv show. The song is called Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez and the show is called Pretty Little Liars. This story won't be exactly like Pretty Little Liars. Only a few things will be the same so the ideas that are the same aren't my ideas, they are Sara Shepard's (the writer of PLL) ideas not mine so she gets the credit for her ideas, not me. Thanks.

WARNING; this story contains violence, murder, and some intense scenes. I suggest you don't read if you're not comfortable with those things. Read at your own risk.

Ashton's POV

As I walk through town I keep my hands in my pockets and my hood up. It's pretty windy this morning. I walked over to the bench and sat down for a few minutes before continuing on my with my walk. When I was about to get up, a piece of crumbled up paper blew in the wind right over to my feet. Curious, I opened the paper so it was no longer crumbled.


AGE: 18 YEARS (AS OF 2014)



There was a picture of Calum on the paper. He looked happy.

I crumpled up the paper again an threw it in the trash bin next to the bench. I can't believe they haven't given up on looking for him yet. It's been six months and still we have not seen him or heard from him.

Everybody has theories of what they think has happened to him. Some think he ran away while others think he is dead. I try to stay away from these theories of theirs and try and forget that there is a fat chance that he is dead and I will never see him again.

We used to always hang out and by 'we' I mean Calum, Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, and I. We were all so close. I miss that. Now I'm lucky if Luke or Michael say 'hello' to me if we see each other. We don't really talk anymore. It's been that way since Calum went missing. I guess we don't have much to talk about anyways not that Calum is gone.

The house he used to live in is still there of course. His family moved out of the house though. Now it is empty. I bet if you went to it and went in his room some of his stuff will still be there.

I guess that's what I found myself doing, going to his house. I wanted to see if he was there, I guess. I'd love to walk in the door and see him again but I don't think that'll ever happen.

When I got to his house I knocked on the door just to make sure nobody else was at the house. Not surprised that nobody answered the door, I just walked in. It looked so empty without the furniture or his family there. I began walking around the house which brought back old memories.

I remember one time all of us came here and camped in the backyard. It was fun. We were younger at the time though. We also camped out the night before he went missing.

I walked upstairs. I was right. Some of his stuff was still there. It was never even packed in a box let along touched or moved. The things that were left were still in the same spots they have always been. His closet still had a couple shirts in it and his dresser was still there. I wonder if there is anything left in his dresser. I walked over to it and began opening the drawers. All of the drawers were empty except for the last one. In the last drawer was a note.

Didn't you know that curiosity killed the cat? -C

What is going on? Calum couldn't have written this. At least I think he couldn't have. He's been missing. How could he have know I would've looked here? Is somebody following me or something?

"Hello? Anybody there?" I yelled. I didn't expect to get an answer back so it was no surprise to me when I didn't get one.

I got out my phone and texted Luke and Michael for the first time in ages.

To Luke & Michael, From Ashton

We need to talk right now. Meet me at Calum's old house A.S.A.P

They replied back quicker than I expected. They said okay and that they are on there way here.

Until the got here I waited downstairs. When they got here they didn't knock or anything. They just walked on in.

"Why did I have to be here as soon as possible?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I was very busy." Michael replied.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes really! I was eating a really good sandwich." He said causing Luke to laugh and me to roll my eyes.

"Well your sandwich can wait." I told him, walking upstairs and they followed me. "I found this in his dresser." I showed them the note.

"Do you think 'C' is Calum?" Luke asked.

"I don't know but I think someone is following us." I answered.

"How can you tell?" Michael questioned, looking at the note then back at me.

"Well whoever wrote this knew I was coming here and would look around his room." He handed the note back to me and I ripped it up and threw it in the trash can that was left here.

"Should we tell the police?" Luke seemed a bit worried.

"I don't think we should because someone could just be messing with us." Michael said.

"If any of us receive any notes or anything from 'C' then we have to tell each other what it says because I don't want to risk it. If things start to get really freaky I think we should tell someone. Deal?" Luke says.



AUTHORS NOTE: I am only going to continue this story if people actually like it so if you want the next chapter please vote!

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