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The police brought us in for individual questioning. Just like always, we told them the simple truth. We didn't tell anymore than the answers to their questions. You aren't supposed to lie but if we mention 'C' I doubt they'll believe us or even try to listen. We could tell them all about 'C' but that wouldn't change the fact that Calum is dead.

Ashton claims he has seen Calum a few times. How can that be true when he is dead? Exactly. It isn't possible. The only time he might have seen Cal was when he dug up his grave.

Ashton also says he didn't dig up the grave but how can I be sure when he was drunk and drugged by 'C'?

"And why did Ashton have the shovel?" The officer asked me.

"I already told you." I answered. "Besides how should I know why he had the stupid shovel? Why don't you just ask him, huh?"

"Okay and lets say he did dig up Calum's grave," The officer began. "Do you have any idea what would cause him to do so?"

I looked up at the officer's name tag. This wasn't Brent. It was Elliot, Officer Elliot.

"Not a clue." I said, expressionless.

"You said he called you?" Officer Elliot asked. "Why did he call you?"

"Yeah he did call you and since when are my phone calls your business?" I remarked. I had a feeling inside of me like I was breaking, like 'C' was winning and getting what they wanted, me to be dead because I'm the weakest link.

"Listen, I'm going to be working on this case until it is solved and I really don't appreciate your attitude." Officer Elliot said sternly. "Now, you are free to go."

Officer Elliot seemed to be in his early twenties. He had dark hair like Calum had. He reminds me of Calum and I hate that.

Michael's POV

When I got home my mum scolded me for hanging out with Luke and Ashton when we were all told not to but soon her scolding turned into tears.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." My mum says. "We thought you all needed a break from each other to be able to move on from Calum but I guess that's not the case. I'm sorry for separating you boys."

She doesn't understand. I wanted to cry, maybe even laugh. She doesn't get it. We will never be able to move on from Calum. I thought we could move on once just like she does but that was before.

Luke's POV

Today was the day I was most worried about. Although I hoped this day would come, it came just like any other day. We are moving in with my grandma today.

Now, 'C' can easily kill me with no problem. Ash and Michael won't be there to save me this time. I told them about 'C' wanting to kill me. They said they don't think 'C' will actually kill me, that it's just to mess with me.

I hope they are right.


"I just put the last box in the car." My mum said. "You can say goodbye to your friends for now but Luke honey this isn't permanent, plus, we wont be too far away." She smiled weakly before joining my dad in the car.

"I don't want to go but I have to." I sighed.

"This sucks." Ash replied. "Hopefully you guys find a new house here."

"Well, I gotta get going." I started to say. "Bye guys."

"Bye Luke." Michael says. "Don't die."

"Yeah, bye Luke. You wont die but can you call me when you get all unpacked?" Ash asked.

"Yeah," I nodded before giving them a final wave bye.

Ashton's POV

As I was walking home, I ran into Tyson. He was sitting outside on his front porch.

"It's such a terrible thing, isn't it?" Tyson said standing up.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied confused.

"Finding your best friend dead must give you nightmares." Tyson says.

I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet.

"Calum had so many enemies and so many secrets that it's a surprise that you ever considered him as a friend." Tyson replied.

"He was my best friend." I answered.

"I just can't wait for all of this to be over, for the police to find out who killed him, and I bet you feel the same." Tyson says.

"You don't know how I feel, Tyson." I tried to stay calm. "Just leave me alone."

"Oh, Ash, don't you see what is happening?" Tyson began. "Now that Calum is gone you're starting to take his place as the boy who always seemed to get what he wanted."

"I said leave me alone." I say beginning to lose my temper with him.

"I'm just trying to help you-"

"I said leave me alone!" This time was voice was louder and was followed by me punching Tyson in the face.

I ran down the street as fast as I could. I don't feel like myself anymore. Normally, I would never lose my temper like that and punch someone.


Luke called me around ten. I wanted to talk to him and tell him what happened but the words wouldn't come. I wanted to tell him about what I was trying to say to Michael and him the other day when I was framed at the cemetery but still the words didn't come.

When I was about to finally get some sleep, I got a text from 'C'.

You'll disappear

one by one.

Silly boys,

the fun has just begun.


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