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Michael's POV

Kaylee and I have a date tonight. I'm a bit nervous since I do hate her brother and there is a chance that he told her rude, untrue things about me.

We are going out to dinner then to the movies. We are watching some movie with zombies in it. I actually don't have any clue what the movie is called.


"The other day the police came to my house to question Andrew and I about the night Calum went missing." Kaylee told me as we ate.

"Why would they question you guys?" I asked her. Do they think they have something to do with killing Cal? Kaylee could never hurt a soul.

"Well, that night Andrew had a party and Calum was there, remember?" She reminded me. It's not like I could forget though.

"Yeah, I do." I said.

"I understand why they would ask Andrew but why you? You weren't even at the party were you?" I asked her. I was curious as to what the police asked her.

"No, I was not." She shook her head. "I was at a friends house who was also having a Halloween party. Calum actually came to visit me."

"What?" I was surprised. "He did?"

"He said that he thought someone was following him. He seemed scared. He also said that someone had been threatening him for a while and that they might try and hurt him." She replied.

C was following him that night and was trying to hurt him. Maybe somebody at Andrew's party saw C? I doubt it though.


While watching the movie, I couldn't focus on just the movie. My thoughts were all over the place.

Why would Calum go to Kaylee? I never even knew they were friends.

I had to save all my questions for after the movie.

"How did Calum know you?" I asked her.

"One night, I was at a party. Calum was there so I said hi because I've seen him hang out with you before so I figured that he was your friend.." She began. "He told me that he was busy and that I needed to go away from him. I asked why. All he said was that he was watching someone who was trying to mess with him."

"Did you see who he was trying to watch?" I asked.

"It was a big party, Michael. He could of been watching anyone." Kaylee replied.

"Did he stay with you for long?" If Calum was watching for C, then he was so close to finding out who C was.

"He only stayed for a few minutes. He seemed really tense and scared." She answered.

"But do you know where he went after?" I hope she doesn't mind all of my questions.

"He had a bag with him and when he came to my house, he came on a bike." She says looking me in the eyes. "Oh, and Michael, he wasn't alone, we weren't alone. Someone was watching us. After Calum left, I saw someone wearing a black sweatshirt who was hiding in the bushes."


I told Luke and Ash about what Kaylee said. They seemed surprised too.

"Well, that crosses Kaylee off of the C list." Luke says.

"When was she even on the C list?" I asked. Why would he think Kaylee would be C?

"Yeah, why would she be on the C list?" Ash asked Luke. "She couldn't have killed Calum."

"Whoa, so now we think C killed Calum? What if C is just trying to help us figure out who killed him?" Michael suggested.

"Help us by how? Last time I checked, hitting someone with a car isn't helping!" Luke exclaimed. He's right though.

"Do we think that C is more than one person messing with us?" Ash asked. Sometimes I think there is just one C and others I think there is a team of C's.

"It could possibly be a team, I guess." Luke says.

"But there is no way Kaylee is on that team." I muttered.

My phone beeped and I got a text.

Wow, Mikey, don't be so quick to jump to conclusions because right as you think you know somebody, they turn their backs on you. It's kinda ironic, isn't it, because that's exactly what everyone has been doing to you. I just wonder who is next. -C

"Guys, look at this." I showed them the text.

"What does that mean? Is C trying to tell us that maybe it is Kaylee?" Luke asked.

"No, no it can't be Kaylee." I denied. Maybe that is why the cops questioned her, because she knows something. "I gotta go. We aren't even supposed to be hanging out."

I got in my car and drove back to my house. They can't just assume that it's Kaylee. It's definitely not her.

When I got home, I looked up RedRoof Suites. It's not very far away. Maybe I'll go and take a look there. There is a chance that C is still staying there.

I told my mum that I was going out. I was really going to RedRoof Suites. I think it's going to be dangerous to go alone but I can't go with Luke or Ash. They're probably busy anyway.

RedRoof Suites is a one story hotel. It seems pretty vacant. Something tells me that they don't get a whole lot of visitors. My car was the only one in sight.

I parked my car and walked inside. The lobby wasn't very big. There was a desk with nobody behind it. But there was a record book on it. Maybe I could see who has been staying here. I walked over to the desk but as I was about to look through the book a man walked in the room. He must work here.

"Hello." He greeted, walking over to the desk. "Are you staying?"

"Uh yeah." I figured the only way that I can stay here and look around is if I get a room.

"Okay, just sign in and you'll be good to go." He said. I signed my name but I didn't use my real name. I used the name 'Ben Garfield'. I didn't just make up the name. Whenever Calum needed a disguise or something, he'd use the name Ben Garfield. He even had a certain type of clothing he wore when being Ben. He usually wore nice clothes as if he was meeting someone important.

"Okay, you will be in room C2." He replied handing me the key. I took a quick glance at his name tag. His name is Chase Matthews. I swear that I've heard that name somewhere.

"Oh, is room C1 taken?" I asked, taking the key from him.

"It's rented out." Chase answered. "I there something wrong, Mr. Garfield?"

"What?" I asked forgetting that my name here is Ben Garfield. "No. Everything is good. I better get going." I turned around and started walking towards my room.

As I walked back, it finally clicked. I know that guy. He is one of Andrew's friends. I remember hearing something about this hotel being a family business so this is his family's business.

I also realized that the room that I am staying in is the room that Calum stayed in. The room next door has to be C's. Why else would it be rented out?

I walked in the room. It was clean but looked so empty. As I was about to look around I got a call from Ashton.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Harry is missing." Ash said. You could tell he seems very worried.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"We can't find him anywhere. He's gone." Ash answered.

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