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When I gave my mum the money I didn't give her all of it because I didn't want her to think I stole it or something. I gave her half of it which was about five hundred dollars. She still asked where I got it. I lied and said I got a job a few days ago and wanted to keep it a surprise since she thinks it's my first job which isn't true because I have no job.

I barely slept last night so today I have to drink a lot of coffee to keep myself awake.


At around lunch time I was all by myself. Since it was lunch time and I was hungry I decided to attempt to make lunch.

I am an awful cooker. Last time I cooked anything, it was toast and it was burnt. I almost burned the house down when I was thirteen and I made grilled cheese. Since that day my mum put a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.

Today I am making Macaroni 'n' Cheese. I put the water in a pot and put it on the stove to boil. When it was boiled I poured the noodles out of the box and into the pot. As they boiled, I went on Twitter for a bit. I may or may not have accidentally let the noodles cook too long. . . Okay, I totally accidentally let the noodles cook too long.

That was my first mistake.

My second mistake was pouring too much milk in it. As I stirred the noodles, cheese, butter, and the milk, there was still way too much milk. When the butter and cheese was mixed pretty good with the noodles, I left the Macaroni on the stove in the pot and turned the stove back on so the milk would evaporate in the air a bit.

Most people don't make mistakes while making Mac 'N' Cheese but when they do it's only one mistake. If you couldn't already tell I am not one of those Macaroni - making - perfectionists.

Instead, like the idiot I usually am, I made three stupid mistakes.

My phone began ringing and it was Ashton.

"Hello?" I asked.

"I'm coming to pick you up." He replied. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Therapy. Your mum didn't tell you?" He asked. "She asked me if I'd give you a ride since she was taking the car."

"Oh, no, she didn't tell me."

"I'm at your house."

"I'll be out in a minute." I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket. I grabbed my jacket from the counter and walked outside, completely forgetting about the Macaroni on the stove.

I got into Ashton's car and he pulled out of my driveway. The ride to therapy was quiet and awkward. When we got there, Michael was already there waiting for us to get there.

We all walked in together and sat down on the couch. Dr. Warren smiled at us.

"So, is there anything you guys want to tell me today?" She asked us.

I looked at Ashton then at Michael. Michael and Ashton nodded as if to give me sign saying 'C'mon, lets tell her about 'C' and get it over with'.

"Someone has been watching us." Michael said casually like it's normal for someone to be watching you.

"Who?" Dr. Warren asked him.

"We don't know but it may be more than one person, maybe just one person." Ash told her. "They go by the name 'C'."

"And you've never seen 'C' before?" She asked.

We all shook our head 'no'.

"So it could be male or female." She said.

"This 'C' person keeps texting us and messing with us." I said.

"You've never tried to tell your parents or an officer about this?"

"No." Michael shook his head.

"I probably shouldn't be telling you this but your friend, Calum came here once before he disappeared." She told us which surprised all of us. "He said someone was messing with him too but I don't know if it was like this though."

"Oh," I said surprised. "I think we should uh get going.." We have been here for ten minutes and I think we've said enough. Something doesn't feel right telling Dr. Warren about this. We could be putting her in danger.

We all stood up and began walking towards the door. Dr. Warren just watched us. "Your next session is in two days." She reminded us and we didn't reply. We just walked out to the cars we came in and left, not saying a word besides 'bye'. It's not really safe to talk about any of the 'C' stuff out in the open.

Ash was hungry and I was too so we went out for pizza and Michael came with.

"This pizza is so good." Michael said, taking another huge bite of pepperoni pizza.

"I know right." Ash said grabbing another slice of cheese pizza.

"Cheese." I whispered to myself, remembering the Mac 'N' Cheese I left cooking at home.

"You okay?" Michael asked me, confused.

I stood up quickly. "We need to leave right now." I told them.

"What? I'm eating!" Michael exclaimed.

"I left something cooking at home." I explained and Michael shoved the rest of his pizza in his mouth as they both also stood up.

We all hurried out to Ash and Michael's car. When we got on the street I lived on the first thought that came to my mind was 'Oh my God, my mum is going to kill me and then kill me again' when I saw a firetruck parked in front of my house.

"Oh my God!" Ash exclaimed. He parked the car in front of some neighbors house which was a few houses away from mine.

"Luke, your mum is going to kill you!" Michael yelled to me.

"I know." I muttered.

I ran over to the firetruck and watched as they sprayed water on what was left of my house.

"Is this your house?" A firefighter asked me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"The fire was caused by something cooking on the stove." He told me. "I hope somebody wasn't in there."

"Nobody was." I replied.

The firefighter went back to doing his job.

"I wonder what you're going to do now that you don't have a home or anything." Ash sighed.

After Ash said that my phone went off and I got one new message.

Bummer, I hoped you were in the house as it burned! Looks like I'll have to try a bit harder next time. -C

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