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I drove as fast as I could to Alex's apartment. When I got there, I didn't bother to knock on the door. I walked in to Alex sitting on the couch, as a box was sitting in front of him. He looked scared. He stood up and I walked over to the box. I opened it and nearly screamed.

"Oh my God," I muttered a couple times, staring into the box. Inside the box was a body. I couldn't tell whose body it is though. It smelled awful. The body looked as if it's been dead for months. "Who is it?"

Alex didn't know either. My hands were shaking with fear. I got out my phone and called the police.

"Did it come with a note?" I asked, and Alex nodded, handing me a folded up piece of paper.

Printed on the paper it read, If only you could've seen how scared he was the night I killed him -C.

After reading the note, my first thought was that it was Calum dead in the box. I tried to push that thought to the back of my mind.

I took the note, folded it up, and put it in my pocket. Alex seemed confused.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You really think I'm going to give a note from 'C' to the police?" I replied and he shrugged.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Alex walked over and opened it. Two police officers walked in. They walked over to the box and looked inside of it. Alex still looked like he was going to throw up. Sadly, it didn't make me feel as sick as it probably should have. Most likely because I've seen Calum's dead body.

I told the police to call me, or Luke, or Michael if they find out who it is.


I stayed with Alex for the rest of the night. I wanted to make sure he was somewhat okay, considering he has seen a somewhat decomposed dead body. The next morning, we made breakfast together.

"I'm not the best cook, but I'll try my best," Alex laughed as he and I got out the stuff to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

"As long as you're a better cook than Luke," I replied, and we both laughed, even though we probably shouldn't have laughed at Luke burning his house down from cooking, especially since it is mostly C's fault, not his.

It was good to hear him laugh and not be as scared as he was the night before.

Alex mixed the ingredients for pancakes in a bowl, as I started cooking the eggs and bacon. I looked over at him, and couldn't help but smile at how cute my boyfriend is.

As we ate, I told Alex about when I was missing and how I saw Calum a few times. "Maybe I was just hallucinating and seeing things, but maybe not. I mean, I've seen Calum multiple times since I went to his funeral. My brother Harry said he saw him too when 'C' kidnapped him. What if he is alive?"

"If he is alive, then that's great that he is, but that means that an innocent person is dead in Calum's grave. What I don't understand is, why would 'C' go through all that trouble to make an innocent person have all the same records and files as Calum?"

"I don't know either. I guess being 'C' takes a lot of dedication."

"Do you think you'll ever find out who 'C' is and have this be all over?" Alex asked as he cut up his pancake and put a piece in his mouth.

"I hope so. If I don't, I'll probably go mad or something." I replied, looking over at Alex.


When I got home, I spent the day with my sister Lauren, sitting together on the couch watching movies we both love. We had just finished watching The Hunger Games when Lauren and I went in the kitchen to get more popcorn before watching Catching Fire.

"When you were gone, I didn't know if you'd come back," Lauren spoke as I put the popcorn in the microwave. I turned around to face her. "I was so scared, Ash."

"It's okay, I'm here now." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder and pulling her in for a hug.

"Promise you won't leave us again, okay?"

"Promise." I promised her, and then the microwave began beeping. I walked over and took the popcorn out.

In the other room, I could hear my phone ringing. "Can you answer my phone for me?" I asked Lauren. She walked into the livingroom and answered my phone, before walking back into the kitchen.

"Hello?... Hi Michael...Yeah, sure." Lauren said into the phone, and then handed me my phone.

"Michael?" I said into the phone. "What is it?"

"I got a visit from the police today, about the body you found. They said that they know who it is." Michael told me, sounding a bit anxious, but not in a good way.

"Who is it? Is it Cal?" I asked, worriedly. I walked into the other room, afraid Lauren would be able to hear me talking to Michael, and I haven't told her -or my mum- about the body.

"The body is the one that was in Calum's grave before, but somebody dug up his grave and took the body out." Michael explained, still not answering my question.

"Oh my God, was it me that dug up the grave? Remember that night? What if the police find out but don't believe that I was framed?!"

"Calm down, they don't even think you did anything. You're fine." Michael calmed me down a bit.

"Well then who is it?"

"Ash... It's Alex's cousin."

Oh my God.


Sorry for taking forever to post a chapter. I had writers block, but I'm back. The ending is a big plot twist aye.

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