thirty eight

620 36 5

How do you tell your boyfriend that the dead body that was mailed to your house is his cousin that has been missing for a long period of time?

I haven't got the faintest idea how I am going to tell him. I don't want to just randomly blurt it out. Or what if he already knows that it's his cousin because he's 'C'?... I need to calm down. I'm over thinking this whole thing. Maybe if I just sit him down, and calmly tell him.

It's been an hour since I found out, and I need to tell him. Now.

Since I have a key to Alex's apartment, I unlocked the door and let myself in because Alex didn't answer after a minute or two of knocking.

I walked in and heard the shower running. He must be in the shower. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch to wait for him to finish. As I sat there, I noticed a box on the table, filled with papers. There were a few papers on the table. I knew that I should just mind my own business, but I couldn't help myself. I reached over and picked up the pile of papers.

The top paper was the Missing poster with Calum's face, the date he went missing, and other things about Calum.

Why does he have this?

The next paper was another missing poster, for his cousin. Oh my God. Calum and his cousin look quite alike. Maybe he knows about his cousin being dead...

The next few papers were written on. Alex wrote about all the things I told him about 'C'.

Why did he write this down? What is going on?

Inside the box, I looked at some of the other pictures. There are various pictures of Calum, Alex's cousin, Michael, Luke, and I.

Is he 'C'? Is the boy I love 'C'?

I heard him turn off the shower, so I quickly put all the papers back the way I found them. My heart is now beating so fast. I felt nervous.

A few minutes later, Alex walked in, looking surprised to see me.

"Oh, hey. What are you doing here?" He asked, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"I came to talk to you." I told him. I decided not to ask about the papers on the table. I'll just ignore them and act like I didn't see them. "The body in that box....they know who it is now."

"Who is it?" Alex asked anxiously. I was terrified to tell him. "Just tell me."

I took a deep breath. "Alex, I'm sorry. The person, he uh, it's your cousin Adrian."

"N-no." He choked out, shaking his head in disbelief.

I move over closer to him and embraced him. He rested his head on my chest and started to cry.

After about fifteen minutes, Alex sat up. "How long has he been dead?" Alex questioned, staring straight ahead, distantly.

"Alex, I-"

"How long was it?" He spat bitterly, looking over at me. He didn't look sad anymore, just angry and mad.

I shrugged. "They didn't say exactly, but maybe a year or longer." I hated telling him this, but he deserved to know the truth.

"He was murdered, wasn't he?" Alex asked, though he didn't say it as much as a question, like he knew the answer.
"Do they know who did it?"

"No," I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Do you think it was 'C'? They killed Calum, so maybe they killed Adrian too." He shrugged.

"Why would 'C' kill your cousin?" I asked him curiously. It doesn't make sense.

"Maybe their is a connection we don't know about." Alex suggested.

"We only have one connection." I blurted out, and I regretted saying that. Now I'm going to have to tell him the connection. "There isn't a body in Calum's grave anymore, and they don't have any records of Adrian's death. They think that Adrian was in Calum's grave to make it look like Calum was dead."

"No, that can't be right. They don't have any connections. He didn't do anything wrong like Calum. He was murdered for no reason."

"Pardon?" I was shocked. "You think Calum did something wrong? You're really going to blame him?"

"You told me that you guys didn't exactly have a perfect friendship with Calum. You said Calum was always lying to you guys and would blackmail you guys."

"What are you trying to say? That Calum murdered Adrian and is 'C'?"

"That's not at all what I'm saying. I just can't believe Adrian was murdered so it could look like Calum was dead. That is sick and disgusting."

For some reason, right then, I remembered something I saw a while back. I saw a picture Brent had once. It was of Tyson, Max, and Adrian, all together, smiling. I don't remember what the picture was for, but I'm sure I can easily find it in the boxes of Brent's stuff still in my house.

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