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The next day we didn't receive any messages from 'C'. Instead we got a call from the police saying they want to talk to us about what happened with Calum again. They think they might know what happened to him.


"So, what did you guys do that day?" Officer Phillips asked us.

"Well, like we already told you, it was Halloween night." Luke told him.

"Aren't you boys a little too old for trick or treating?" Officer Phillips laughed.

"We were taking my brother Harry." I said. "So we all dressed up."

"What was Calum dressed as?" He asked.

"He wore a Scream mask." Michael answered.

"And what were you guys?"

"I was a werewolf, Luke was a vampire, and Ashton was a vampire also." Michael said.

"Were you guys with Harry the whole time?"

"We were but Calum wasn't. He tried talking us into going with him to a party but we said 'no' because we couldn't just leave Harry there." I replied.

"And if Harry wasn't there, would you have went with to the party?"

We all shook our heads 'no' and it was true. We only dressed up because Harry wanted us to. Also, partying just isn't really my thing.

"I'm guessing Calum went all by himself to the party then?" He guessed and we nodded our heads. "And after the party and trick or treating, you all met back at Michael's house?" We nodded again. "Did Calum say anything about the party?"

"He said he got into a fight with a few other older guys there." Luke answered.

"He also said something about some girl there and how she was 'pushed' out a second story window." I added.

"Was she really pushed or did she accidentally fall?"

"Calum thought she was pushed by somebody but others think she just fell. She was drunk anyway." I told him.

"And where was Calum when she fell?"

"How should we know? We weren't there and he never said where he was while she fell." Michael says.

"Right." The officer nodded.

"Can we go now? We told you everything we know." Michael asked.

"Yes, you may all go. We will have to speak with you boys again soon though. Calum may not be dead."

"What do you mean?" I asked, surprised thy he just said he may still be alive.

"We never found his body and there is a chance he ran away or is hiding. If you receive any messages or any type of contact with Calum or somebody who was with Calum that night just let us know."

I thought about whether or not I should tell the officer about the notes and texts we have been getting but something told me that I should wait a little bit.

I made Michael and Luke swear that they wouldn't lie to the police and they didn't say one lie.


"Should we have told the police about the messages?" I asked as we arrived at my house.

"I don't know," Luke answered. "They might think we are lying."

"That's why we show them the messages and they'll see that we aren't lying. Maybe then we'll figure out who 'C' is and everything will be normal again." Michael suggested.

Just then each of our phones went off. We took our phones out of our pockets and nervously read the message.

It's not over until I say it is. -C

"What does this mean?" Luke asked, sounding scared.

"It means 'C' is going to keep playing with us like we're dolls in a dollhouse until they say the game is over." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I can't believe this is happening.

"I don't think 'C' is the kind of person to play fair either." Michael muttered.

"Someone is watching us." I told them before walking over to the window.

Luke and Michael followed me to the window and as we looked out we heard a tree branch move as if someone was hiding in the tree. The neighbors dog began barking and a branch on the tree moved.

"Someone is in that tree!" I exclaimed running outside.

I ran over to the tree and used the light from my phone to try and spot someone hiding in the tree.

"Hello? Anybody up there?" I asked.

"Oh yeah like whoever is stalking us is gonna answer." Michael joked shaking his head.

"I didn't expect an answer, Captain Obvious. I just wanted the person to know that we know that they are watching us and that-" I started to say until Michael cut me off.

"And that what? Were you gonna invite them to dinner so we could all chat and then become their 'bestie'?" Michael said sarcastically with a bit of an attitude.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked.

"Nothing it's just that are you out of your mind? Maybe the person that was in the tree is 'C' and maybe just maybe 'C' is Calum's killer. Do you really want to find out who this person is and talk to them?" Michael questioned. "I don't know about you guys but I wanna stay alive."

"He has a point." Luke chimed in.

"Whatever." I muttered.

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