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As I yelled Luke's name he turned around to look at me. After he looked at me he quickly turned his head and looked right in front of him which was a car with its headlights on, shining brightly at Luke as the car hit him. When the car hit him, his body rolled over the hood of the car and onto the pavement. The car drove away quickly and Luke laid there. I ran over to him and tried to keep him awake. I called 911.

Luke's eyes began closing every once in a while. He closed his eyes and didn't open them again.

"Luke, wake up." I said to him hitting his cheek not very hard with my hand to try to wake him up. "Stay awake, please Luke. I can't lose you too. C'mon, Luke. Please wake up."

Sirens were going off as an ambulance made its way down the street. As the loaded him onto the ambulance I texted Ash a quick 'S.O.S'. Before the ambulance closed the doors I heard someone say "He's not breathing" and I thought I was going to throw up.

He can't die. I won't let that happen. I can't lose him like I lost Calum.


Ash picked me up and we went to the hospital. We waited in the waiting room for a while. I actually fell asleep just by waiting for a doctor to let us see him or just let us know that he is okay.

I woke up to Ash waking me up. He said he had something to show me. He showed me a text he just got from 'C'.

He knew too much. . . -C


"Luke is breathing so that's good." The doctor told us. "He does have a broken leg and a few bruises though."

"Can we see him now?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes." He nodded. "Follow me."

We followed him down the hall and into a room. Luke's mum was sitting in a chair next to Luke. The doctor left after we entered the room.His mum stood up and began to leave the room too, leaving the three of us alone in the room.

"So, because of C you ended up in the hospital in their attempt to get you killed, lovely." Ash said sarcastically.

"I didn't think C would actually try and kill me" Luke admitted. "I thought they were saying that just to mess with me."

"Looks like you were wrong about that." Ash laughed. I gave Ash a stop-joking-about-this,-C-tried-to-kill-Luke look.

"Anyways, you know how the hospital keeps files in the morgue about how they died?" I asked them, changing the subject.

"Yeah, what about it?" Luke asked.

"They have a file about Calum." I answered.

"But he killed himself." Ash spoke up.

"He could've already been dead. Someone could've easily killed him then made it look like he killed himself." I explained to them. "We need Cal's files."

"How would we get them?" Luke asked.

"You're not going to get them with that broken leg." I told Luke. "Ash and I will get them."

"And how will we do that?" Ash raised an eyebrow.

"The have scrubs downstairs that we can put on so we can easily get into the morgue." I said.

"And you know this how?" He asked seeming a bit confused.

"I'm not stupid, Ash." I laughed. "Plus, my aunt is a nurse and one time she showed me around the hospital."

He nodded and said "Oh".

"Okay, now can we go?" I asked Ash.

"Why do I have to go?" Ash whined, sounding a bit nervous to sneak around.

"Because I can't." Luke answered before I could. "Now be a big boy and go."

"Fine, but if we get caught I blame you, Michael." Ash finally gave in and we left Luke's room.


"I'd make a good doctor." I said looking into the mirror at my reflection as I wore the scrubs.

"Yeah, if you wanted to scare children with that hair." Ash chuckled.

"Whatever," I muttered shaking my head. "Follow me."

"Why can't I go first? In scary movies the last guy always dies."

"This isn't a scary movie, Ash." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, do you even know where the morgue is?"


"Exactly." I said, leading the way to the morgue which was down the hall from the room we just walked out of.

"I think this is the morgue." Ash pointed to a door with the label 'Morgue' on it.

"Really? You don't say!" I said sarcastically. "I totally didn't think that a room labeled 'morgue' wasn't the morgue."

"What's with the attitude?" Ash asked rolling his eyes at me.

"What's with all the questions?" I replied not answering his question.

"Hey, it was only one question." He defended.

"Whatever." I tried opening the door and surprisingly it wasn't locked.

We walked in and it was freezing. I walked over to the file cabinet and looked for the file 'Hood, Calum'. When I found it, I took it out of the drawer and looked at the first couple pages to make sure it was the right one. It was so I told Ash that it was time to go and he seemed happy to leave. He seemed a bit creeped out. I was too.

After quickly changing back to our own clothes, we walked all the way back to Luke's room and closed the door once we were in.

"Did you get it?" Luke asked us.

"Yep." I answered showing him the files.

We each began reading the pages. The pages were numbered from 1-8 but there were only 6 pages in the file. We were missing 3 and 4.

"Where is three and four?" I asked a bit panicked.

"It's not here?" Ash asked.

"I don't see it." I said. "I couldn't have dropped it, I had them in my hands the whole time."

"It must have been taken out before we even got it." Ash suggested and he was most likely right.

"Who would've take it though?" Luke asked. None of us answered him. The answer was pretty obvious. "You really think 'C' would've taken them?"

"It's possible. 'C' hit you with a car, Luke. 'C' seems like the only one who could've taken it." I replied.

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