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I woke up to see Calum standing there by the window once again. He's been my only company here since Brent hasn't come back yet to get me. Something tells me that he's not coming...

Part of me thought that Calum is probably just a hallucination from the lack of food or water. I didn't mind. It was nice not being completely alone in the middle of nowhere.

"How long have I been here?" I asked Calum, and he looked over at me.

"For about three days," He answered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why didn't you ever untie me?" I asked.

"You never asked." With that reply, he walked into the next room, and walked back into the room with a knife. He walked over to me, bent down, and began cutting at the rope. He didn't say much to me, except when he accidentally cut part of my wrist. Then he muttered a little "Sorry".

When I was all untied, I had marks on my arms and legs from where the rope was. I stood up and nearly fell over.

"Thanks," I thanked him.

He smiled which was great. I haven't seen him smile for years. "You better get going before C comes. Your friends need you."

"Are you forgetting something?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I'm your friend."

"Really? You want to be friends with the pathetic dead boy?"

"You're not pathetic, or dead. You're here, right in front of me, breathing." I answered. "You should just come home with me. We have evidence, Cal. We can show the police. It's over. Brent is C."

"Oh Ash," Calum laughed. "It's never going to be over. Brent is dead. I think he was framed."

My mum is all I can think about. She was supposed to marry Brent. She loved Brent. Brent loved her. Now he's dead and she's no longer engaged. It's all my fault.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him, running my hands through my hair. Geez, it's getting long. When was the last time I got a haircut?

Calum nodded.

"If you're alive, then why is there a body in your casket? Who is that?"

"I don't know," He shook his head. "I wish I knew but I don't. It's some innocent person, dead in my grave."

I didn't reply to that. How was I supposed to reply to that?

I looked back up at Calum. His lips were parted, as if he was about to say something but he didn't.

"I don't know about you but I need to get going back to town. My friends and family needs me." I said to Calum, standing up from the chair, since Calum untied the ropes.

"I don't think the people back home want me to come back from the dead anytime soon," He said back, joking a little.

I shrugged and walked over to the door. I reached my hand up to turn the doorknob but turned my head and looked at Calum. "I'll miss you," I told him, before opening the door and walking out, and closing the door behind me.

It was nice to be outside again. I began walking down the road, even though I have no clue where I'm going. Every once in a while there were a few cars that would drive by. I continued walking.

All of a sudden, I felt my body going limp. I felt nauseous. I stopped walking. My vision became blurry and I felt like I was spinning.


I opened my eyes to see walls painted white and a tray with food on it on the table beside me. Where am I? A hospital?

I sat up at looked at the food which didn't look super amazing but I am starving so it's better than nothing. It's macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and a chicken leg. When I took a bite of the mashed potatoes it was a bit cold but I ate it anyways.

When I was finished, I got up from the bed which I had been laying on, and opened the door. There was a big room and in the corner was a desk which a lady who seemed to be a nurse sat at. There was a room next to that room which had tables and couches in it.

What is this place?

I noticed that I was wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I don't think I was wearing this earlier, was I?

I walked out from the room I'd been asleep in and walked over to the lady at the desk. She didn't look up at me.

"Excuse me, uh," I started to say, as I looked at her name in her name tag. "Uh, Carol, where am I?"

She looked up at me. Her hair was a light brown and she seemed around 40 at the most. "You must be the new John Doe patient. You were found along the road and you were asked questions about your name and where you live but you couldn't answer any of them. Until we figure out who you are, you will be staying here at Frances Mental Institution."

I turned to see a patient walking into her room. All I could think was about how familiar she looked. I swear I know her somehow.

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