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My mum acted like any other mum when their sons burn the house down by making Mac 'N' Cheese then forgetting about it because they went to their therapy session.

"I can't believe you could be so irresponsible!" My mum yelled at me, angry at me. I was angry with myself too.

"I don't blame you for being mad at me, okay I'm sorry." I apologized for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"Sorry won't get us or house and everything lost in the fire back, Lucas." She said.

"I know, I'm sorry." I began. "Maybe we can stay with someone until we figure things out, okay?"

"I hope you're right, Luke." She replied. "Well, I am going to the store to get a few things. Just try and hold tight somewhere until I get home, okay honey?"

I nodded my head and she got into her car before driving away.

"Need a ride somewhere?" Someone asked as they pulled up behind me in their car. I didn't recognize the voice. I turned around to see a boy in a Mustang. Oh, I thought, I know who he is.

"Max, I didn't think I'd see you here again." I replied taking a step towards his car so I could hear him a bit better.

"Did you miss me, Hemmings?" Max asked, smirking.

"I missed you as much as anyone would miss a rash." I said to him. Calum always has hated Max. To Calum, Max was always a nerd, a nobody. I've never really tried to make friends with Max because Calum always accused of how lame and embarrassing he is. I guess I never really gave Max a chance.

He laughed. "You saying you have a rash, eh?"

"I never said that." I defended.

"Take a joke and laugh, Luke." He says. "You look like I just stabbed you."

"Well," I began. "If you can't already see, I accidentally burned my house down by forgetting about Mac 'N' Cheese on the stove."

"Oh, that was your house?" He asked. "Well that sucks."

I nodded my head.

"So how long are you staying in town? A few days?" I asked him curiously.

"You don't want me here, do you?" He asked me leaving my question unanswered.

"I never said that." I said. "I'm just curious, I guess."

"Well I'm staying for a while, I think." He finally answered. "This place is home to me."

I didn't say anything back for a few seconds.

"So, do you need a ride somewhere?"

"Uh sure." I answered walking over to his car and getting in.

"Where to?"

"Um Michael's house," I said. "You know where that is right?"

"Yeah, I think so." He nodded.

It was awkward in the car since for the first few minutes it was silent.

When he pulled in front of Michael's house and I opened the door he stopped me.

"Luke," He began. "I have something I think you need to know."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Calum came and visited me the night he went missing." Max explained.

"Why would he visit you?" I questioned. "I always thought you two hated each other."

"I thought that too but he came and visited me. Some people think it could've been me. They think I took him. You gotta believe me, please Luke. I didn't have anything to do with him going missing."

"What did he say to you, huh?"

"It's not safe to talk about this here." He muttered, looking me right in the eyes.

"What do you mean it's not sa-"

"We can talk about this later, okay? You gotta believe me though." He pleaded. "If you don't believe me then nobody will. Please."

"How do I know you're not making this up because you were apart of him going missing? How do I know it wasn't you? Can you prove it?"

"Luke, you really think I video taped the whole thing? Because I didn't."

"Fine," I gave in. "But we are talking later."

"So you believe me?"

"No, but that doesn't mean you can't explain yourself and try to get me to change my mind about you, Max." I told him as I got out of his car.

Max's POV

After Luke left I rolled up the windows and drove down the street. I parked my car in the parking lot for a shop so I could make a quick important phone call.

"Hello, it's me, Max." I started to say into the phone. "Yeah, he knows too much . . .You sure you want to do this? . . . Okay . . . So, tonight then? . . . Make sure you hit him so he ends up in the hospital or worse. We can't waste anymore time so you'll have to do it as he leaves Michael's house. . . Okay, bye." I ended the call and put my phone back into my pocket.

Michael's POV

It was a surprise when I answered the door to see Luke.

"What's up?" I asked, letting him in.

"Calum visited Max the night he went missing." He said to me.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, I saw Max and he offered to give me a ride here. He told me Calum came to visit him." Luke explained.

"Oh wow."

"Yeah and 'C' tried to kill me."

"How?" I questioned. I will not let 'C' hurt Luke. My best friend was already taken from me and I can't lose Luke or Ash either. They're like family to me and we need to stick together.

"It wasn't just the Mac 'N' Cheese that burned the house down. 'C' helped and hoped I was inside." He said as he walked back towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Not to my house, that's for sure."

"Why don't you guys stay here? I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind you guys staying with us until you guys figure something out." I suggested.

"I'll ask her." Luke nodded and opened the door. He walked out and closed the door behind him. It was already starting to get dark out.

As I was about to walk upstairs, I got a text from 'C'.

Isn't it funny how we realize how much we loved something after it's gone? Watch your back, one wrong move and you'll be gone too. -C

After reading the text I hurried and ran outside to find Luke. He was crossing the street.

"Luke!" I yelled to him but it was too late.

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