Chapter Seven (Part Three)

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Two hours later...

After leaving my second period class with the douche that he will not be named, I tried to avoid him. 

My third period class was film class, and all we do is watch movies and answer questions. That's a class I might skip in the future.

I checked my roster and I have Visual Arts. Ugh, drawing.

I got lost for a bit because the first floor is so big. The room number is 136 and I'm just thinking where the hell is 136 is.

There was a girl that was walking alone with headphones in her ears. Well, she might be an aid so she can help me.

I tapped her and she immediately took one headphone out of her ear.

"Do you know where Room 136 is," I asked the girl. She has tan skin like me, having about three tattoos that were visible. Her black hair was long, having the tips of her hair red. She looks like she's 5'7 or 5'8.

"Yeah, I'm in that class," she answers. "Are you new?"

I nodded my head. How does everyone know I'm new? Is it because I'm dressed differently?

"Okay, I'll show you." We walked towards another hallway. "I'm Sophie, by the way."

"Jasmine." I gave her a warm smile. She sounds cool to be around with but I cannot trust no one here.

"Nice name, and I can see you don't give a flying shit with the uniform," she stated.

"Well, I'm technically wearing it, just in a different style."

"That's badass though." Wow, she must be a cool ass aid. After we chatted, we finally made it to Room 136. There was a bunch of kids there that were doing stupid things. I went up to the teacher and she looks like a hippie for a minute.

"Hi, I'm a new student here and I'm in your class," I stated politely.

She really looks like an art teacher because, well imagine or Google an art teacher with a bunch of paint on their clothes, long to crazy hair, and big glasses. Yeah, that's a good description.Good description, my ass.

She checks my roster, then looks at me. "Welcome, Jasmine. My name is Ms. Donovan." She gave me a paper that has writing on it. "Your parent needs to sign this. It's a form that you will behave until the end of the school year." She handed me the paper.

"Right now, we're doing 3-D objects using cardboard. We have to draw out our sketches with our daily lives and make them 3-D," she explained. She handed me a blank paper. "Start drawing."

"Can you give me instructions of how to draw--"

"It doesn't matter. Just draw what you're thinking about and we'll make it 3-D."

"Okay, I'm warning you. I'm not a good artist."

"Most of the class isn't. You just have to let it all out by drawing. Well, not physically get it out because that would--"

I chuckled. "I get what you're saying." I walked away and went to a seat in the back.

The room's really big for a classroom, but it's an art room so it's different. There was an outlet near me so I decided to charge my phone while I was drawing.

The teacher, which I now forgot her name, told me to draw of what I'm thinking about. I don't want to get distracted, so I put on Pandora and started to listen to music.  The song Let It Rock by Kevin Rudolf was on, which gave me an inspiration.

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