Chapter Thirty-Six

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Nate's POV

Almost twenty-four hours had passed and my sister has yet to be found. Why did I leave her out of my sight?

My mother has told me about Dad having a daughter. She didn't tell me her name. I wanted to know for myself.

I'd remembered when I eat living in Michigan, I tried so hard to find any information about Jasmine. She was eleven at the time, so it was hard to know what she'd looked like.

I'd remembered my stupid friends used to joke around because I'd spend half of my time finding Jasmine, than party and smoke with them. I was seventeen at the time.

I'd remembered my stupid friends used to joke around because I'd spend half of my time finding Jasmine, than party and smoke with them. I was seventeen at the time.

"Yo Nate, it's Friday," one friend stated. "There's some girl's part that we're going to crash. I'm going to bang the crap out of her. You want to come?"

"Nah, I'm good," I answered. "I'm going to stay home--"

"And search for your sister." The guy's name was Luke. He was a lot older than all of us.

A while ago, he was arrested of smuggling and attempted murder and got twenty years in jail. He'd served one and got out. He could've had a good lawyer.

What he doesn't know that I was the anonymous person who'd snitched on the police.

A while meant two years ago. I was fifteen and after soccer practice, I'd heard gunshots.

I'd ran to the nearest trashcan and hid there. Luke was dealing with some people that didn't give him his money by a certain time.

One of them was named Thomas Blackburn.

He'd ran and two other people were shot in the leg.

The first thing I'd thought of was 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

I wouldn't call him a friend, but just a friend of a friend.

"What do you mean?"

"We all know you want to see your sister, but that doesn't mean it can take over your life," he said, breathing a cigarette.

"Luke, that's between me, myself, and I," I spat. "So, I suggest you just keep yourself away."

"You made a big mistake saying that."

Then, it clicked me.

I'd remembered I had some information about Will with the car race. He'd owed some guy money for damaging money, but didn't pay it on time.

I saw Will pacing back and forth, saying something to himself.

"Need to find a way. Need to find a way." He repeated it several times.

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