Chapter Twenty-Four

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Leon's POV

I was laying on my bed, having no thoughts. I really don't want to go to work today and just chill.

It's stupid of me to say that but it's true. There's too much drama that's going on in my life that work is less important to me.

My twin sister has cancer.

She's the same person like me, hence being a twin. She's everything to me and she's the person that motivates me to do what I have to. Help people.

The doctor told me she have a couple more years to live, but it doesn't sound too good when my mom called me, saying Patty went back to the hospital again.

I couldn't take the pressure of thinking Patty is in that hospital bed again.

I grabbed my phone from my desk and tried to search the number for the office. The first thing I saw is my lock screen, having Jasmine and I in a funny pose.

I know this is definitely illegal to have a girl that's not legal in my phone. And plus, I like her so I would probably be in jail for some stupid thing.

I called the office and Patrick picked up the phone.

"This is Patrick."

"Pat, this is Leon. I'm not going to come today."

"Alright, what's up with you?" He asked.

"Patty's in rhe hospital again."

"Oh. I'll tell the boss that. I'm sorry."

"Don't pity me," I stated. "I'm fine. I gotta go." I hanged up the phone. I feel like a total asshole for snapping at Pat for no reason.

I got up from my bed and tried to take a shower in my depressed mood of mine.

An hour later, I arrived at the hospital where Patty was admitted in. I walked to the hospital and went straight to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for a patient."

"Sure, what's the patient's name?" The lady asked.

"Patricia Johnson."

Her fingers starts typing her name. "She's in this building. Third floor, Room 310."

"Thank you." I walked to the elevator and pressed the up button. I got so anxious now to see her and I'm afraid that something is really wrong with her.

I went in the elevator and pressed three for the third floor. The elevator music was softly ringing in my ears. After a few seconds, I was in the lobby and saw my parents and my little brother.

My parents were the type of parents that always want their kids to have big goals and to be rich. We argue so much because he wanted me to become a doctor and I didn't want to. I want to make music, but I had to make ends meet.

My little brother, Max, is the chill type. He wasn't like me when I was his age. He's the go with the flow type of guy and sometimes, I hate it for him.

"Leon, I'm glad to see you," Mom told me. She gave me a hug, which is weird for me because she never gave me full hugs before unless if it's something severe like this.

"Hello, son," Dad greeted me. I nodded, giving him a handshake.

"Hey, bro." Max gave me a handshake as well. "It's been a while."

"I know. How's Patty?"

Mom sighs. "Not so good."

"She had a brain tumor and was rushed to the hospital," Max said. "A few minutes ago, she started to wake up. You can see her if you want."

I nodded and walked to her room. I was looking for room 310 and I saw it. My stomach was in knots and now, I'm afraid to open the door. I took a deep breath and I opened it.

I saw her with tubes and needles all over her. She was really pale and I don't know if she's up or not. I walked to her and hold her hand.

She has to be okay, I told myself. She has to be. I hate her having this kind of pain because she doesn't deserve this. No one does.

"Hey little bro." I saw her move and I had a large smile on my face. "It looked like you saw a ghost."

"I'm just sad that you're here again," I said truthfully.

"Me too but hey, I can flirt with the male nurses," she joked. I love that she jokes around, even though things gets really rough. I heard a door squeak and I turned around, seeing Max.

"I couldn't stand being in Mom and Dad's weird argument so I decided to come with you guys," he explained. Max and I found a nearest seat and sat there.

"Leon, how's you and that Jasmine girl?" Max asked.

"Oh yeah, how is she?" Patty asked. "You two dating yet?"

I chuckled. "We're not going to be together."

"Dude, you're like in love with her or something. Hasn't been two years since you like her?" Patty asked.

"Guys, I was twenty-six and she was fifteen. That's illegal."

"When does she turn eighteen?" Max asked. "You can have a shot before I do."

"You're nineteen, find another girl to talk to," I spat.

"Someone's jealous," Patty said. "The age difference is sort of big but don't give up. As long as she doesn't know all by herself, you're good. I don't want you to go to jail for sexual harassment or something."

Yeah, that would be bad. Why am I talking about my love life to my siblings?

"Look, if I don't make it--"

"Patty, don't say that," I interrupted.

"Leon, it's bound to happen anyway," she said. "I'm ill."

"But don't be so discouraging," Max added. "What about us going to different places?"

"Can I say what I need to say?" She questioned. We both stayed silent. "Anyway, if I don't make it, promise me you two will follow your dreams. I don't want you two to end up like me working at a coffee shop at thirty."

"I just want to be a businessman," Max said. I knew he wanted to be one for a very long time and I know he can do it. But for me, I don't know if anyone can take me seriously.

"Leon, I know you want to be a rapper," Patty say. "You had mixtapes, but then you stopped. What's stopping you?"

"The fact that I tried hard to have someone sign me in their record label but Mom and Dad kept criticizing me that it wasn't going to happen. I enter to prove them wrong but shit, look where it has me."

"I like my job as a parole officer, but it's not me," I continued. "I love working with those hard headed kids because it gives me a challenge, a challenge to change their lives. Hell, it gave me the chance to like someone that's too young for me. But--"

"Bro, I know," Max agreed. "It's tough. But keep fighting. Something's going to come."

I heard my phone ring and I saw the caller ID. "I have to take this."

"See, it might be fate," Patty joked. I walked out the door and out of the hospital.


"Leon, we need to talk."

"I'm at the hospital right now," I stated. "Can we talk later?"

"Sure. Meet me at the park near my school. It's really important."

Hey guys! Yes, I'm back with a long break ahead of me! If you noticed, two of my books are gone. Don't worry, I'm doing heavy editing to both of those so they might be back around 2016.

- Jaz

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