Chapter Two

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14 years old

Being a freshman in high school sucks. Well, suckish. 

This is my first high school. Of course every freshman would say 'This is the worst school ever!' or 'I wanna go home!' But I'm not like those freshmans. Says myself.

I didn't make new friends. Nor I'll ever will. Friends just lie and says bullshit on you. Yet they hold on to you. 

Oh Google. 

I was walking around the beige, damp hallway when I saw a girl with a guy. They seem like they're arguing or possibly talking really loud. 

The girl looks like she's a sophmore, having long dirty blonde hair. She looked really slim and her outfit looks really revealing. Her pale skin looks dry and bruised a little bit. Bruised?

As for the guy, he looks like a senior that fails too many times to be called a senior. He has short brown hair and has really dark clothing that a bad boy would wear. That's just too cliche.

"I can't fucking believe you, Adam," the girl yelled at the guy. "You cheated on me with that whore!"

"First of all, it's Jeanette," Adam retorted. "Second, it was your dumb ass fault that you left me at that party."

"My dumb ass fault," she mumbled. 

"What did you say, bitch," Adam asked the girl. My eyes were stunned. I heard a smack and the girl went down. That asshole just hit her.

That draws the line. 

I immediately walked over to them, angrily. I see the girl crying her eyes out. 

"The fuck you do that for," I asked the guy rudely.

"It's not your damn business, freshy," Adam said calmly. "Now go away before I'll do something that I'll regret." This bitch is testing me.

"What, you gonna hit me too," I asked him. "That's abuse of what you did to her." I pointed at the girl. "You can get arrested for this kind of shit and you will be put into jail."

"Who gives a fuck? I can do whatever I want," Adam spat. He came closer to me. "You know, you look hot."

Are you fucking kidding me? Not ever. So, I had to do the most logical situation that I came up to my mind since I saw Adam and the girl.

I punched the shit out of Adam. 

He tumbles down and went face first on the hallway grounds. Then, I kept hitting him. And hitting him. And hitting him. 

 I heard footsteps from every side of the hallway and it was from kids, to teachers, and to police officers to try to pull me away. 

They successfully did. 

I was walking silently with my hands behind my back with two police officers right beside me and thoughts came in my mind. The hell did I do? I did the right thing by punching the shit out of that asshole. If I wasn't there, then the girl would have been fucked. 

Immediately, I saw the principal staring at me coldly. She looked like she was in her mid-40s with short black hair and was in a business suit. I went inside the office and the officers escorted themselves out. The principal closed the door and I was just standing there awkwardly. 

"Please, have a seat," the principal informed. I did what she told me.

"So, tell me what happen with that whole fiasco you had in the hall with that student," she stated.

"I did it for a good reason."

"Violence is not the answer," she said.

"He was about to use violence on that innocent girl," I informed. "I had to do the most logical thing."

"Violence is not permitted in this school. I will take action on this situation." I already did the fucking action. You were too late for that shit.

"And what are you going to with that guy," I asked.

"That is between me and his parents." Are you serious?

"So, that's it? You're just going to leave him off the hook?"

"I didn't say it like that. I said," she started.

"Oh, I know. You didn't have this situation before in your school so basically you're going to B.S. everyone," I spat.

"Excuse me," she rudely said. "I take my job seriously and,"

"And you don't want to lose your low paying job. I got you," I said. "Now, I think that I should go to English." I stood up from my seat and started walking out the door.

"If you leave this door, I will get you suspended," she warned me. On the corner of my eye, I see she starts to smirk. 

I turned to her and put my middle finger up. "Get a life."

I hope you love this chapter cause I did! 

What do you think of Chapter 2?

I'm so tired that I'm about to pass out. Even though it's like 7:45pm. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Remember to read my story "The Betrayal Within" because a new update is going to be on Friday!! 

Bye and eat some shrimp!

- Jaz

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