Chapter Sixteen

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*Trey's POV*

A day later...


I think I'm sulking.

Why would I do that to her? Why did I try?

All of these years of liking her, I made that mistake.

"Trey, are you okay?" Mom asked me. "You haven't touched your breakfast."

"I'm fine," I muttered.

"That's not fine. Is it about Jasmine?"

"Yeah," I answered. "I was about to kiss her."

She froze when she was making coffee. She turns to me. "You did what?" She throws an oven mitt at my face.

"Mom!" I exclaimed. "What was that for?"

"For being so damn stupid," she replied. "She was in this school for like two months and you tried to get with her? You didn't see her for four years."

"I know. I wasn't thinking straight."

"She didn't have time to adjust yet and now she trusts you even less now," Mom said. "She's a tough cookie. I can still remember the conversation I had with her when she was in the sixth grade."

"Wait, you talked to her?"

"Yep," she answered. "I was going to a report card conference and I saw her sitting on one of the chairs all by herself. I talked to her and she was really shy. I just told her that she needs to be strong."

"But she didn't know who you were."

"So?" She questioned. "Doesn't matter. It looks like she had a rough time in that school and you were her only true friend. If you could've waited until the time is right to tell her, then it might be different."

"Mom, I know I messed up. I think I lost her again."

"Trey, you didn't lose her. Just give her some time to think and deal with the situation. She might not be ready for a relationship and you need to accept that."

Mom's right. Jasmine might have something that is way more important than a guy that likes her. I went too fast but I was too anxious. How would I tell her that I like her since the day that we met?

I still remember the day that I met her.

Flashback (Ten years ago):

"What's five times five?" Ms. Richards asked.

"Twenty-five," I called out.

"Trey, you know you can't call out. You have to raise your hand."

"Sorry," I said quietly.

"Now class--"

The door started to open and a girl walked in with long dark brown hair. She was light and was wearing the uniform that was given.

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