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Six months later...

Jasmine's POV

"You are now the class of 2015!"

The words that I'd never heard before happened. It happened to me.

People were cheering, jumping around, dancing, and screaming.

It felt like I'd actually accomplished something in life besides of a high school diploma.

Actually surviving.

Six months ago, I'd almost died because of a jealous girl that wanted to have everything that I had.

Kayla Delgado was sent to eighty years in jail without parole for the murder of Thomas Blackburn and attempted murder of me. Her last words to me was "you won".

She was sick in the head anyway.

Luke Conrad, the thirty-four year old man that was dumb and nasty, was sent to jail for life without parole for ten murders, including Thomas Blackburn, rape, and sexual assault of a minor.

Both of them should be happy that I didn't kill them myself or else I would be the one that's going to jail.

The detective that was questioning me got fired for death threats that was coming in my social media two years ago. He actually got two years of anger management and three years in jail for cyberbulling.

I didn't like him anyway.

Leon Johnson, my former parole officer, confessed to his superior with the romantic interest of me and then quit. He decided that he's going to follow his dream and become a rapper.

I still had Janie and Michael from Life Records and I'd contacted them so they can give Leon a chance. He has an album coming up called Patricia in memory of his late sister that passed away from cancer.

Will Jones, the asshole that sat on my motorcycle when we'd first met, graduated with a 3.0 GPA. He got out of parole a few months back just in time to enlist in the army.

He told me that school wasn't for him and decided to help America out by fighting.

I'm really going to miss him. He was an ass, but more as a friend. I felt really bad for leading him on, but he'd only told me that I can buy him ice cream to make him feel better.

He found his mother through a search from the police station and saw that his mother was in New Jersey. When he went to the address, his mom cried with tears of joy. He also found out that he has a stepfather and two step-siblings.

His dad admitted he has a problem with drinking and decided to get some help and also admitted that him and Trey are brothers.

They had a blood test and it was true all along. They were fighting as brothers and not enemies.

Will admitted to Trey that he was jealous of him because of everything he'd accomplished. Trey admitted that he was jealous of Will getting everything his way.

After the Thomas incident, they thought that it was them that killed him.

They were starting to get along, until I got jealous for fun.

Nate Ruckus, the guy that thought was my stepbrother, was actually my stepbrother. Dad had a blood test and was surprised that he had a son that he'd never knew about.

Mom had open arms and had one thing to say.

"Welcome to the family."

I owe Nate my life because of one thing. He was the one that found me in the basement where I was at. He had a tracking device on a necklace that I had from him and luckily, I wore it that day I was kidnapped.

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