Chapter Four

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The sound of my motorcycle revving through the highway at 65 mph makes me feel so calm. So wanted. Thoughts came into me when I came into a red light.

Who was that dude?

He sat down on my bike, thinking that it's his. Asshole. But he seems unusual.

Why was Leon hitting on me?

I don't know what to feel about Leon. He's a nice ass dude but I don't know if I have feelings for him.

Wait, is it illegal to date a parole officer and you're under the age of 18? I think so, right?

20 minutes later...

After 20 minutes of thinking and driving, I finally got home.

I parked my bike near the front of my house and I got out. I don't live in a fancy house with expensive furniture and that other crap.

I live in a house where houses have. Food, Wi-Fi, and a bed.

Well, mostly food and a place to sleep.

The house was a connected house that connects to one house to another. You can hear the neighbors scream and laugh like hyenas. Annoying hyenas.

I went up the outside steps and unlocked the door. The place was clean. Sparkling clean.

"Mom? Dad?"

I walked straight to the kitchen and I see them cuddling. Ew, parents cuddling.

"Oh hi honey. I didn't hear the door open," Mom said.

"No, it's ok. I have to go to a different school starting on Monday," I informed.

"Again," Dad said. He sighs and scratched his head. "Jaz, what happened to you? You never got into trouble like this."

"Things change, Dad and you know how much I hate change."

Mom got up her chair and walked towards me. "Honey, just promise me that you'll be good in this school."

"I can't keep that promise." And I left the room and went upstairs to my room.

I don't keep promises that even I don't know that I'll do it. And I feel bad that I shut Mom like that.

I tiptoed quietly down the stairs and I heard my parents talking.

"What are we gonna do with her," Mom asked Dad.

"I have no idea. She's out of control. She claims that she didn't do anything," Dad said. I didn't! I think. 

"I don't know what to do with her," Mom added. I feel so bad that Mom was about to give up on me. I know I changed my personality abruptly over the past 3 years but it's for a good reason. She just needs to trust me. One last time. 

"If Jasmine does one more thing, I have no choice but to send her to England to live on her own," Dad warned. What? England? That's like really far from the U.S. That's a different time zone. English people drive on the other side of the road! I could die!

I didn't want to hear anymore of my parents' conversation about me so I tiptoed back upstairs to my room. 

I locked my door behind me and I changed my clothes into my Spongebob shirt and shorts. Yes, I still like and watch Spongebob. There's no problem at all. 

I layed down on my bed and started to check my phone for any notifications. I saw two new email updates. 

I opened the first one and it's from Leon.

To: jazheartsspongebob

Hey, here's the info of the school you're going to on Monday. 

Willowcrest Charter School

Where we all get along 24/7! 

I read the following info about the school. It's not that preppy yet it's not so ghetto. What kind of school is this?

They also have uniforms? Ugly uniforms. Great. 

I started to send Leon a message. 

To: thenumberoneboi

Can you drop the ugly ass uniforms at my house? I don't feel like driving. And change your name into something 22ish. You had that name since in the 5th grade. 

I checked my other new message and it looks like an ad. 

From: findnewartists

Hey, are you a new artist that wants to be noticed? There's going to be an open audition on December 3. Sign up! Hope to see you there!

- Michael Baker, CEO

An open audition? I'm ready to go. I started to sign up from my phone and now it wants to die. Oh Android. 

I'll just it do it tomorrow. I'm not gonna do anything tomorrow anyway. I listened to myself and charged my phone. 

It was hard to go to sleep with Dad threatening me if I do something bad, I'll go to England. I love Philly. It was my hometown. Even though sometimes I hate it, it's still a part of me that I don't want to get rid of. 

But... If I go to England, I can go all by myself and explore the world. But... No! I just need sleep. I closed my eyes and I drifted to sleep. 

A/N: Hey guys! What do you think of this chapter?

How was your Halloween? Good, bad, or scary?

I'm still stuck on one thing. I DON'T KNOW WHO TO PICK FOR CAST MEMBERS! 

All I know that I'm gonna play as myself. Yeah, I know. Too much. 

Ok, if you guys help me with the cast member thing, you know, reading your story, voting, commenting my opinion, recommendations, etc. It'll be awesome!

Here's the characters:

Jasmine (as myself)





Thanks guys!


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