Chapter Eleven

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*Jasmine's POV*

"Put your hands up in the air!"

Trey and I both turned around, and we saw two people in black clothing. They had black ski masks as well. I'm just wondering if this is actually a stick-up.

"Everyone stand up, and put your hands on your head!"

The other person had a gun in its hand, but it looks like the person is nervous. He/she is shaking the gun slowly and probably have wet palms.

Everyone, including Trey did what the so called robbers told them to do. I think they're lying.

I know it's a brave move to do something like this and I might get killed for this. What the hell?

"What did I tell you, girl?! Put your hands on your head!" One robber yelled at me.

"Jasmine, do what they tell you!" Trey exclaimed.

"I think they're faking it," I say.

"How the hell you think I'm faking it?!" Another robber asked. "This is a stick-up!"

"Well, let's see," I started. "First, this isn't a ski mask. It's a damn black hat you cut holes in to make it into a ski mask. Second, this ..." I pointed at the trash bag. "Is a trash bag you found on the streets because it smells like shit." I heard a couple of people chuckling.

"Then, this gun right here is plastic," I continued. "I can see the material of it and it's pretty obvious. Finally, you two 'robbers' want to rob a pizza place. Really?"

"You really could've rob somewhere else," I say. "Now ..."


"Huh, what?"

"You were sleeping. We're at the pizza place," Trey stated.

Guess I actually was dreaming. It felt so real but I could've got myself killed. Oh well.

Trey parked the car, and we both got out. The pizza place looks so vintage and hipster like in the 80s or the 90s.

When we walked in, there was people there but not a lot. Mostly everyone wants to get something easy like McDonald's or something. They had a touch screen jukebox with the classic and modern songs on the them. The inside looks so cool, and I never wonder why I didn't know about this before.

We both sat down to a nearest table, and we looked at the menu.

Remember that you need to lose weight. Don't be like humpty dumpty.

My mind reminded me that I can't eat a lot of greasy foods like this. I hear my stomach growling, and sometimes it needs to shut the hell up.

"Jasmine, are you okay?" Trey asked me. "It looks like you were going to punch your stomach."

I didn't realized until now that my hand was in a fist, getting closer to my stomach.

"It was annoying," I said. I look at the menu, not having no eye contact with Trey. They was so many foods to choose from, and I was looking at the Buffalo Wings. They look so damn good, but I can't eat it.

"What are you getting?" I asked.

"Maybe either a sausage pizza or Buffalo Wings. How about you?"

"Maybe a salad," I answered.

"You ate a salad already in school. Eat something else," he suggested. "Is there something wrong?"

Don't Make Me Go CrazyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ