Chapter Nine

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After the weird interaction I had with Will a couple of hours ago, the rest of the day went by really quick.

I was thinking about the whole pizza thing with Trey and I don't know about it.

Yeah, I know that he wants to hang out as friends but I don't want him to be in any trouble. I'm a bad person and a bad influence to everyone.

After school, I went to my locker and I saw Sophie.

"Hey, Jaz," she greeted me. "What are you gonna do today?"

"Going to get some pizza with Trey," I answered.

"Aw, that's so sweet."

I gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Jaz, I think he's crushing on you. And Will too."

Yeah, right. Two guys are crushing on me. "Soph, I think you're drinking too much. Why would they crush on me?"

"Look at you. You're sexy to them. You have the hair, the body, the brains, and you're tough. Plus, you don't give a shit to what people say."

"Trey is an old friend of mine and Will is a pretty boy and a rebel," I stated. "Oh and stupid."

"Come on!" She exclaimed. "I know you have to like one of them." She made a thinking face. "Did you Trey had--"

"Sophie, no!" I exclaimed.

"So, it's Will that you're--"

"No, Sophie!"

"You're having a threesome?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Everything," she replied. "I'm not normal."

I saw Trey talking with his friends near one of the classrooms, and I immediately turned my head the other way.

"Jasmine, what's wrong with--" She turned to Trey. "Well, I know now. Aw, Jaz has a little crush."

"I do not like Trey nor Will," I stated.

"If you say so," she say. "Oh hey, Trey!" She greeted him when he was talking to his friends. Don't Sophie know that it's rude to interrupt people? Apparently not.

Trey left his group of friends, and walked towards Sophie and I.

"I hate you so much," I spat.

"You love me though," she teased, giving me a cheeky grin.

"Hey guys," Trey acknowledged us.

"Hey, Trey," Sophie greeted. "So, Jasmine told me that you two are going out for pizza. Is it like a date or something?"

"Sophie!" I exclaimed. "It's not a damn date. It's only two friends that are going to catch up on everything with greasy food."

"I was talking to Trey." She turns back to him. "So, is it a date?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to get food."

"So it's a yes!" She exclaimed. "Ooh, I'm shipping this shit all the way! I'm going on Twitter and make #Jasey a trending topic!"

She skips away happily, trying to ruin my life.

"I'm sorry for her. She gets ..."


"Yeah, that's the word." I closed my locker. "Are you ready?"

"I have to go to my locker real quick," he said. "I'll be right back." He walks away quickly. 

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