Chapter Thirty-Two

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Sophie's POV

Three hours earlier...

I tried calling everyone that I was close with and all of them went straight to voicemail. I was super bored at my house because no one was home. Mom and Rachel went out on a date and Diego went to a sleepover with his friends.

I would be watching Netflix but I need some more entertainment.


I heard the doorbell ring and I know I didn't order no pizza or anything. I walked downstairs and checked the windows.


I rolled my eyes. He supposed to leave to go back to wherever he'd came from two weeks ago. Why is he still here?

I opened the door and saw him with a smile on his face. "Hey Sophie."

"Mom, Rachel, and Diego aren't here," I told him. "So, you can go."

"Actually, I was looking for you." I became confused. Why is he looking for me? "May I come in?"

"I guess." I let him in and I closed the door behind him. He sat down on the couch and I sat on the chair across from him.

"We hadn't been on good terms for a long time," he started. "And I know you're still pissed at me."

"Do you not know what you'd done to this family?" I questioned him. "You got arrested for drugs. You'd used drugs when you was in this house and you'd almost pulled us in that."

"It was my fault, I know. I should've done that in the first place."

"I don't think you mean it," I said. "I still don't know how and why Diego can still love you after what you'd done. We didn't have a father for almost ten years. Mom had to raise us all on her own after you got sentenced. Do you not know how it'd affected me? People bullied me that I had a druggie for a father and thought that I was just like you. A lowlife bitch."

"I'd stood up for you and this family long enough to put up with this bullshit. Diego was bullied and I stood up for him. I had suspensions and got expelled for doing that. People knew that I was the Delgado daughter that was walking around the streets."

"Girls jumped me all over and I'd almost got raped by two guys when I was twelve because I was the Delgado kid. I told Mom that I had to leave school because of that. I begged her to change her last name back to her maiden name when we had to move. You just don't know! You--" I stopped and I started to cry.

"You wasn't there when I needed saving. I had to save myself."

"Sophie, I'm so sorry," he apologized. "I wish that I could go back in time and not get addicted to drugs." He comes closer to me and started to hug me. I heard him sniffling. "I'm a bad father. I'm so fucking dumb that when I was in jail, people started to get advantage just because of me. I'm so sorry."

We was like this for an half a hour until I started to doze off in his arms. From his eyes, he actually cared. I'd assumed for so long that he didn't care at all. But at that moment, it made me not want to hate him anymore.

My phone started to ring and it was Trey. "Hello?"

"Soph, I'm sort of in a situation."

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'm in jail."

"You're what?!" Dad got up and looked at me weird.

"Not me necessarily," he said. "I'm at the police station in Brooklyn and they arrested Jasmine for no reason."

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