Lord Aphmau

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Aphmau walked into the room quietly, hoping that Leona wasn't awake. Of course, her prayers were contradicted by the lights flicking on.

Leona sat in Aphmau's office chair, a sly smirk spread across her face. "Soooo, Lady Aphmau~ Who was the mystery man you were holding near the water?"

The lord's skin turned from tan to a crimson red in a matter of seconds. Her poker face was useless. She sat down on her bed.

"That was Aaron. He's my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. You met him in the guild."

"I don't think that's how best friends hold each other ~ Lady Aphmau." She rolled her tongue with a sly smirk on the L of the 'Lady.'

"You know you can just call me Aphmau, right? I'm not a lord anymore, hun."

"Oh, thank God- I mean, Don't change the subject, Aphmau!"

"I'm sorry if I woke you up. I had to get some fresh air to think. Aaron just so happened to come outside a bit after I did. Did we wake you up by talking?"

"No, I woke up after you shut the door. I was gonna go outside to you, but when I got up, the guy was already there, though I could barely hear what you were talking about."

"Sorry about that. I've been stressed out trying to figure out what I'm going to do when my boys get here. I have to find a bigger house and build a bond with them. It's all too much!" She took a deep breath; Leona sat back on her makeshift bed, her legs were crossed, and her hands were on her face.

"Maybe you could build a house instead of buying one! You always had a knack for that sort of thing!"

"That's a fantastic idea, Leona!"

"What WERE you and him talking about anyways?"

"I told him about the letter and what had happened, and he asked what Levin and Malachi were like. I don't even know if I know anymore, though. Other than that, we talked about what kind of jobs we have to go on so that I can get the funds for a new house." Leona's face lit up.

"I've seen them a couple times through the 4 years!" Aphmau's eyes widened. She was immediately filled with a need to know.

"Have they been okay? Do they still act how they did in Phoenix Drop?!" Aphmau bombarded Leona with questions about them.

"One question at a time! But to answer some of them, the last time I saw them was just before I left the guard academy with the letter after my mom and I were visiting Katelyn. They still act fairly similar to how they were younger back in Phoenix Drop. They love each other more than everything. I've never seen two beings care for each other so deeply until I saw them. Malachi said that Zoey would tell them daily stories about an adventure you and everyone would go on." The nostalgia wrapped itself around Aphmau's heart as she laughed, reliving the memories.

"Thank god they're still okay. We should get to sleep, though. Aaron and I have to head to the guild around 8, so if you want to tag along with me, we have to go to bed." Leona nodded. Aphmau turned out the lights.

The sun rose, and the lord moved to the bathroom. Leona woke up shortly afterward and proceeded to go to the bathroom and take a bath and whatnot. After taking a bath, she put on a grey shirt and tucked it into her brown shorts. She put her hair into a low bun and left the bathroom.

A bit after 8, she finished up. They left the apartment. Aaron was already standing outside, looking into the water. He turned when he heard their door shut.

"Good morning, you two."

"Morning Bandanna Boy, shall we go?" He nodded, and they began to make their way towards the guild. Leona asked how jobs worked, so Aphmau and Aaron spent the rest of the walk explaining them.

After breakfast, Aaron and Aphmau left to knock out a couple jobs, leaving Leona with the rest of the guild.

Team Natsu invited Leona to the table so they could chat and she wouldn't feel left out.

"Leona~Chan! Come sit with us!" Called one of the three brunettes sitting at the table. The werewolf happily walked over and sat next to the blond they called Lucy.

"Good morning!" Lucy's infectious smile made her feel welcomed instantly.

"Mornin'." Gray and Natsu spoke at the same time. Leona had no clue why such a small moment of being in sync had caused them to start arguing, but she was pretty damn confused. Judging by the disappointed and knowing sighs from around the guild, this wasn't an odd occurrence. Ezra spoke up.

"Just because Aphmau isn't here doesn't mean you guys can fight each other. And she's not the only one here who'll knock some sense into you two idiots." This statement only caused more confusion in Leona's mind.

"What do you mean? Does Lady Aphmau, err, I mean Aphmau do something when they fight?" The other people at the table peeked over at Leona, eyebrows raised.

"Well yeah, she usually beats ''em' up if they don't stop fighting. I take it she was different in Phoenix Drop?" Wendy questioned.

"I mean, In Phoenix Drop, she could hurt people if they were awful, and she would tease people a lot, but she was known for being gentle and welcoming to everyone in the village, even when they weren't nice back. Then again, a lot of things were different back then..." Leona's ears drooped. Though the guild never had a werewolf member, it was common knowledge that their ears and tails drooped when they were sad.

"If you don't mind, can you tell us how things used to be?" Mira asked from the bar. Her genuine curiosity made Leona perk up.

"It was peaceful but lively at the same time. You could walk the streets and feel safe under the protection of Aphmau and the village guard. Aphmau would make daily rounds to check on everyone. I babysat the kids when Zoey took her break days, and Aphmau was working. My mom and I lived a nice life together, taking care of animals in a huge barn that Aphmau built for us, that is, up until the Phoenix Attack. Everything went to chaos in a matter of seconds..." Leona could feel herself beginning to tremble just at the recollection. She and her mom never talked about it. It was too much. She felt like now that she was pouring her memories out anyways, she couldn't stop.

"My mom and I were trying to help Aphmau save the children and families, but there were shadow knights everywhere, slaughtering everyone they came across. The damn monsters even killed the animals in the barn. Aphmau held them off for long enough so that we could escape, and after everything happened, she re-homed every survivor. I think she was hit the hardest. She had so many villagers hating on her for being unable to save their families that she officially dropped her position as a lord and just...disappeared."

"I'm sorry. Juvia knows that must've been hard to talk about." Juvia took hold of Leona's hand. Even through her ice-cold grip, Leona felt her sympathy. She talks in 3rd person like Kawaii~Chan did.

"Just knowing that she's safe is good enough for me. She's known my mom and me for longer than I existed. If she had been finished off in the attack, I don't know what most of us would do. She deserved all the love she showed other people." Leona looked up. She'd dulled the energy of the room. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to ruin the mood-"

"Don't worry, Leona. It's alright. How about we talk about something else!" Lucy suggested.

Later in the evening, Aphmau and Aaron entered the guild. They were covered in cuts and bruises but were laughing about something. Wendy ran over and scolded them for being so reckless. She healed Aphmau, who healed Aaron in the process. They were cute. She seems happy. Leona thought.


How was that?

I hope you guys enjoyed!

Until next update~

Break their walls- An Aarmau story [UNDER EDITING](Aphmau/fairytail crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang