Her boys

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"MOM!" The two kids yelled from the door. She could tell it was them almost immediately. Malachi had that same voice as before. It seemed that everyone in the guild knew that she had kids now.

Before processing everything, Aphmau jumped up from the table, turned around, and ran to her boys. She swept them up into her arms. The guild was filled with excitement! Everyone in the guild was looking at them. Even Master Makarov came down. Aphmau spun the kids around. They responded with delighted squeals. She engulfed them in a bear hug when she finally put them down. "My boys!" Aphmau wept. Aphmau looked them up and down and side to side as if they were going to disappear right before her eyes. "You two are so big now!" They kept hugging her. It was clear they wouldn't let her go. She was trying to keep her tears in but failed when one slipped out, causing more to follow suit. She was smothering them in kisses on the face. "I missed so much of you two growing up. I am so, SO sorry. Know that I never ever wanted to leave you. It took every cell in my body to not follow you and Zoey onto that ship." Aphmau kept a grip on the two small boys, wiping at her eyes.

"It's okay, Momma, we understand...that you had to protect the rest of the village." The little brown-haired child stated softly. He was on the brink of a breakdown. He missed her so much. He missed her warmth. Zoey was a wonderful mother who always cheered him up and kept him safe, but there was nobody in the world that felt like home the way she did.

"Zoey told us every day that you never stopped loving us!" Levin smiled, making Aphmau's heart melt. She couldn't stop her eyes from welling up with tears once more. "I'm so sorry, my beautiful sunbeams. I'm so sorry I couldn't pick you up into my arms when you needed me the most. I'm so, so, SO incredibly sorry." She rested a hand on each of their cheeks. "You two mean the world to me. I need you to be fully confident in that. You two were not the reason I disappeared. It was NEVER your fault." Levin burst out into gut-wrenching wails. His mother pulled him in, rubbing his back and breathing with him to calm him down. "It's okay, Mi Amor. It's alright now. I'm right here." After so long without her, hearing those words fall from her mouth tore them apart. There was nothing more sincere than her apology, one full of sorrow and self hatred but full of reflection and warmth.

Aphmau's mouth fell open in shock moments after looking up, for when she looked up, she saw three very familiar adults. A firey-haired witch, a particular white-haired demon, and her brunette guard. "You have got to be kidding me..." Aphmau whispered that part to herself, looking back at her boys. "Can I say hi to your aunties and uncle?" They loosened their grips on her so she could pick them up comfortably and bring them to her friends.

"Missed us, Aphie?" The ginger witch spoke with an ear-to-ear grin. Of course, few people knew about Aphmau's friends, that would be Team Natsu and Aaron, plus Mira, but the other members only guessed that they were Aphmau's friends. "Of course I did! Even Travis!" A moment of silent awe fell over the group before Aphmau put Levin and Malachi down and opened her arms for her friends. The three adults rushed forwards, tackling her to the ground upon impact.

"Oh god, you're alive, and safe," Lucinda sobbed out. Through her sobs came a chuckle, "I'm ruining my make-up for you!"

Leona came up behind them, crouching down and giving the boys a big hug.

"Hi, Leona!" The boy chanted excitedly at the same time.

"Hey, Kiddos!" Leona was talking to the boys.

"Hey Leona, can you introduce them to the other guild members, excluding Team Natsu? I can introduce that lot."

"Sure can! C'mere boys!"

Levin paused for a moment, grasping his mom's leg. He looked up to her wordlessly. She understood. "I'll be right here, Darling. I promise, I'm not going anywhere." She pecked his cheek. "You don't have to go meet everyone if you aren't ready, but if you do, I will stay right here until you get back." He hesitantly let go, turning and taking Malachi's extended hand.

Break their walls- An Aarmau story [UNDER EDITING](Aphmau/fairytail crossover)Where stories live. Discover now