A boat ride away

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Aphmau's Pov:

We'd been on a boat to Pheonix Drop for a couple days. Since we weren't traveling with a big group like I used to years ago, it was a pleasant time. Aaron and I were just able to bond more and we still had about 3-4 hours to go. We were just sitting on the deck while the boat was on auto-pilot.

"When do you think we'll arrive?" Aaron asked from beside me. He was holding onto me.

"Mm, a couple more hours, 4 being the latest. We should be there around sunset."

"Sounds good, I could go for being off this ship. Why did we take a ship anyways? Couldn't we take a train?"

"As great as that would be, there are no trains that lead to Pheonix Drop from Fiore, or anywhere near Ru'an for that matter. Nicole took a boat too until she pulled into a Mangolian dock and was able to find a train. I do believe that my friend Vlyad had something do with that."

"What do you mean?"

"Years ago, I met Vlyad. Even before I properly knew him, he'd gone to villages far and wide while Tu'la was invading so that he could burn books that talked about the existence of our village. Maps, information, anything. He didn't want anyone to know about about Pheonix Drop so that Tu'la troops couldn't find us. After a long talk with me and the rest of the Pheonix Guard, we agreed that overall, it would be better that people couldn't easily access our village. Therefore, no trains from anywhere go to Pheonix Drop."

"Interesting. It's fine though, I just get to spend more time with you." He pulled me over to him, pressing his head onto the nape of my neck. I leaned back, laying myself against his chest. We sat there for awhile, waiting to reach our location.

3rd Person Pov:

3 hours passed and Aphmau jumped up from Aaron, speeding to the edge of the boat. "That's Brightport!" The giddy woman pointed at her old neighboring village. "We've got to visit later so that I can talk to some other old friends!" Aaron walked over, wrapping his arms around Aphmau's waist again and resting his chin atop her head.

Aphmau pulled on her husband's hands to the wheel and flicked off auto pilot, taking control of the ship. "You're not gonna crash the ship, are you?" Aaron asked.

"You'd be suprised. There's...That's the docks!" In the distance, there was a run down wooden dock. The couple pulled into the shore, leaving their luggage on the the ship to look around. Just to be safe, they tied the medium sized ship up.

Carefully, they made their way up the stone stairs, standing in front of Aphmau's old house. "Wow...it's like a duplicated version of our house back home. It looks like it's in pretty good shape for how long it's been abandoned."

"Yeah. Part of me wants to go inside but I think we should take a look around." Aaron grasped Aphmau's hand and they sprinted through town, holding their swords in opposite hands. They ran at the speed they would do when they had stealth jobs. It seemed that the ashes from the attack had sunken into the ground, along with many structures in the village.

They walked down past Dale and Molly's old home to the torn down plaza, then to the coldesac where Kawaii~Chan and Dante's house was. There were still large marks in the concrete where the nether portal spawned.

In order to keep Aphmau from panicking, Aaron pulled her away from the house. After they surveyed the whole town, Aaron spotted a line of smoke in the air coming from the direction of the old lord's house. "There might be some bandits but I think I know where they are."

After about 3 minutes of walking, they stumbled across a big wall, where a small guard stood at the top. "What the-"

"There's a village? Why right next to the ruins of another town?"

"Oh! Visitors? Excuse me, can you state your business with Pheonix Drop?" Aaron and Aphmau looked at eachother in shock, then Aphmau examined the girl. She thought of the girl that defied all odds after being cursed and remembered when the girl downscaled. It clicked in Aphmau's mind that this was Alexis.

"You're- My name is Aphmau, we're just-."

"Wait wait wait! Aphmau as in the previous lord of Pheonix Drop?!"

"Yes Ma'am. I'm here to speak to some old friends." The girl jumped down and pulled up the gates. She ran over and hugged the past lord, quickly pulling away.

"Sorry! I've been wishing for my whole life to meet you but I never got to."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you Alexis?" The little girl's eyes sparkled with glee.

"How did you know my name?"

"Well I was the old lord. I came by after you were born and got to hold you. You also played with my sons when you were very small."

"You held me when I was a baby? Awesome! Also, I was going to ask sooner but who is this?" Alexis asked, pointing at Aaron, who had his hood down but he was still wearing his bandanna.

"This is Aaron, he's my husband!"

"Wow! Cool! I won't take up any more of your time because I still have to watch the gate but welcomed to Pheonix drop!"

"Thank you!" Aphmau once again took Aaron's soft hand, walking through the gate. Looking around, there were some people that Aphmau didn't know, but that was to be expected after many years. However, there was a stand where a man with dirty blond hair sat. He had reading glasses on and he was taking inventory in a book.

"Logan?" I asked. Aaron seemed to grip my hand tighter. He wasn't scared for me, just a bit overwhelmed in general. The man at the desk looked up, sliding his glasses off of his face and staring at me, his mouth wide.

"Aph-Aphmau? Is that really you?" He stuttered.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, do you need a glass of water?"

"Well I might as well be looking at a ghost! I haven't seen you in years!"

"You still look as old as ever." I snickered.

"And you still look as short as ever so I guess we're even." Aaron stiffled a laugh from behind me so I took a second to elbow him in the stomach. "Who's this?" Logan asked, looking towards Aaron.

"Logan, this is Aaron. He's my job partner and now husband."

"Husband?! I don't believe it! LORD Aphmau with a husband? I don't think I'm speaking to the same lady that I met years ago!" He gasped sarcastically, emphasizing the "lord" part.

"Well you better start believing it." Aphmau smiled, holding up her hand to reveal the rings. She grabbed Aaron's hand to show his rings as well.

"Oh my Irene, you weren't lying!" He spoke, this time more genuine.

"Why would I lie about getting married?"

"Well you lied about being engaged to Laurence once."

"They were going to execute me if I- Wait HOW did you hear about that?! You were at the baby shower while that whole fiasco was going down!"

"Blame Dante."

"Fair point. Who else is in this village and is there a lord that I can meet?"

"No lord here. We are a self sufficient village and make alliances with other villages to get trades and such for food. Also, Donna, Yip, Molly, Dale, Brendan, Issa, and all of the kids, plus some newcomers are here. You need to go see Donna now or I won't hear the end of it for hogging you all day." I gave him a thumbs up and before we went, he stopped me. "It's good to have you back, M'lady."


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