A new begining

354 11 24

Deep breath in...deep breath out.

Clammy, nauseous, anxious.

Those three words clung to Aphmau's whole body as she stepped up to the doors of the building that would determine the rest of her life in Magnolia. Her and the master of the guild had been in contact via letters but today was the day to introduce herself to the rest of the members. If they accepted her, she was in for the long ride.

She thought about how pathetic she must've looked from the perspective of passer-byers. A grown woman stood outside of the most well known guild in Fiore sweating and flapping her hands around as a nervous stim.

The whole thing made her stomach ache. She'd grown to hate change. It wasn't always bad, but it often wasn't good. Aphmau never had the control to stop battles or their pain and anguish. She never had total control over how she ran her life, and she certainly couldn't control who she wanted to keep in or out of her life. Her time in Magnolia was spent wondering when she would lose the control she had all over again.

Aphmau never truly got a break. Everyone in her life reminded her to stay positive, but after the attack, that just wasn't possible. She thought of every single way this event could go wrong but couldn't think of any way it could go right.

She peered down, straightening out her attire. She had on form-fitting black jean shorts, a black tank top, and an oversized lilac cardigan Emma had crocheted for her way back when she was still pregnant with Kyle. She took care of it well so she could wear it repeatedly. Her dull doc martens pulled the outfit together. She had her hair pulled up into a high ponytail with a purple bow and an Amethyst gemstone holding it together. The side bangs of her hair were still left swaying against her face. They couldn't cover the black markings under her eyes like she was hoping they would.

In her hand, she held a tiny Malachite crystal. Anything that reminded her of him could keep her calm. Even at her worst, Malachi did his best to keep her calm.

She took a final deep breath to ground herself before pushing open the doors.

When Aphmau stepped in, everyone went silent and stared at each other like she was an intruder. A weak-looking intruder. These people were wild, but she suspected they had no powers like hers. They'd learn how wrong they were in due time; she'd make sure of that. She stayed by the door in case she was chased out.

"Hey, I'm Aphmau. I'm going to be joining the guild." She was clearly timid, but she managed to muster a charming smile. She was very soft on the eyes, a beauty to those who came across her. She put a lot of time into her looks on days she was doing important things or meeting relevant people, which definitely helped, but she had a naturally pretty face and her strange markings kept people captivated. 

A young woman with vibrant blond hair strutted to the new person and held out her hand.

"I'm Lucy! Master mentioned you to us but didn't tell us anything about you. Welcome to Fairy Tail! Super intresting name, by the way! Are you from another region?"

"Oh, err, yeah. I'm pretty far from home." They shook hands. She was so confident that it gave Aphmau an extra sense of reassurance.

"NATSU! Get your ass over here and introduce yourself!" She yelled over her shoulder at a teen with pink hair. He covered his ears.

"Could ya be any louder, Luce?!" He shouted back, a challenging look spread across her face.

"Actually, I can be louder! NATSU, COME OVER HERE NOW! DON'T MAKE ME ASK AGAIN!" She roared. It felt like the whole guild shook. Aphmau never did like yelling. Nobody liked listening to yelling. She guessed that it was a noise she'd have to grow used to with her joining, as everyone else looked relatively unphased. The only reaction was rolled eyes.

Drowning out the sounds, Aphmau peered around the guild at all the other members and her surroundings in general. She took notice of the many different people and rooms, the exits, anywhere or anything she could hold her gaze on for long enough to examine. Her eyes landed on a man leaning against a wall. He had an open black sweatshirt on and no shirt under it. It was like he was showing off his chiseled figure. Strangely, he was wearing a red bandanna that covered his eyes. He seemed a bit older than most of the people, probably closer to Aphmau's age. He didn't participate in the mindless chatter like everyone else, he just stood quietly. Surely enough, he was paying close attention to the obnoxious verbal fight.

He was nothing short of beautiful.

Just as the Aphmau was about to look away, he turned his head to her.

She flashed him a warm smile and tuned back into the argument. They had to be finished soon, right?

The older teen with pink hair finally stood up and sauntered to the two women, his hands shoved in his pockets. He looked Aphmau up and down, causing a wave of short-lived nervousness to wash over her.

"Damn, you're short." He noted nonchalantly. Lucy punched him in the shoulder, forcing a yelp out of his mouth. He defensively held his arm and bounced away from her.

"Brilliant observation, Kid!" Aphmau scoffed sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest. Her eye was practically twitching out of frustration.

"Look at what you did, dragon breath; now she's upset." Another teen sighed, joining the group and standing next to Natsu. He had black hair and also wasn't wearing a shirt. These super-fit guys really didn't want to wear shirts.

"Nothing I haven't heard before. But it really doesn't matter since my height isn't the source of my power by any means." Aphmau cracked her knuckles and cockily grinned. Acting confident was the easiest way to get around. Everyone knows confidence is attractive.

"I like your attitude, Miss Aphmau." A woman with apple red hair like Kiki's approached the newcomer, hand extended. "My name's Erza. Welcome to the guild."

"Sorry for callin' ya short. The name's Natsu. We should train sometime! I'd like to see if you can live up to your sass" They shook hands, an awkward tension now formed between them.

"And you are?" Aphmau looked towards the teen with no shirt on.

"I'm Gray; nice to meet you." The two of them also shook hands. Gray paused, raising an eyebrow. "Hey, Aphmau, what ability do you have? What kind'a mage are you? You wouldn't be here if you had nothing to offer." What a blunt way to say such a thing. It seemed the others were also wondering about the powers that got her there in the first place. It wasn't every day someone new got into Fairytail. Everyone had a skill they honed to complete jobs.

"Well, I'm a healing mage, but..." She fiddled with her fingers subconsciously. This is the test. Here we go.

"But what?" Lucy questioned.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. I have something of a split personality, or rather, a past life that just CAN'T let go of my body," Aphmau sighed. She loved Irene, but sharing a body with someone else was a pain, even if she didn't show herself much. "I know, that's an odd start, please bare with me. I'm still learning to calm her down, but when I've used my energy up completely, or someone is in a life-threatening situation, Irene takes control. She tries to protect people...though," Aphmau took a deep breath and didn't make eye contact with anyone. She couldn't. Not after what Irene had done. Not after what Aphmau had let her do.


"She goes on a killing spree if things get out of hand." Everyone in the room looked toward a person even shorter than Aphmau with gray hair and a wrinkled face. Their expressions were easily readable shock.

"Welcome to the guild, Aphmau."


Break their walls- An Aarmau story [UNDER EDITING](Aphmau/fairytail crossover)Where stories live. Discover now