The New Place

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It had been 2 weeks since Leona delivered the news. Aphmau started building her house near her and Aaron's hang-out spots in the forest. They cleared some trees for a path so she could still meet up with them. Aaron, team Natsu, Levy, Leona, and Gajeel helped out. They decided to build it like Aphmau's old house but with a different paint job.

The group spent much of the time just messing around as they built. It turns out that all Natsu and Gray were suitable for was carrying some heavy things because they didn't know how to use a hammer without hitting their hands. It reminded Aphmau of when Travis and Laurance tried to build a house, which was absolutely hysterical since they, too, didn't know how to build.

During the ordeal, Katelyn and Aphmau sent letters back and forth. To make it faster, Katelyn found Raven. Aphmau hadn't seen Raven since a week before the Attack. He had gone to deliver a letter to someone in Okahsis. It seems he had returned after the village was abandoned.

Aphmau was the only person anyone had known to be able to talk to Wyverns, so that discovery was a shock to the guild; even so, nobody besides Aphmau had seen Raven yet.

Katelyn and the kids would be in Magnolia in a matter of days.

The group had gotten a sturdy house structure and most of the appliances they needed for a functional house. All that was left was the painting and added furniture part.

The painting was how they had gotten to where they were right now. Aphmau and Aaron were painting the kitchen, and Aaron had fallen off the ladder he was using, landing flat on his ass.

"How did you even fall!?" Aphmau was sitting criss-cross on the ground, trying to catch her breath. Her laughter had forced him up.

"If you don't stop laughing at me, I'm going the dump the paint on you." He huffed, crossing his arms defensively. She thought he was she continued to laugh.

He responded to her mockery by picking up the paint bucket and ambling toward her. When she realized he wasn't joking, she jumped up.

Aphmau burst out of the front doors, trying not to pass out from laughter and lack of air. She leaned down to catch her breath before looking up at her confused companions.

"Aphmau, what's going on?" Lucy questioned. Aaron ran out of the now fully opened door and charged towards her, the bucket in hand. She ran but not surprisingly, Aaron used his powers to catch up. The fight ended with Aphmau's whole right side soaked in purple paint. It had just barely missed her head. Everyone else was howling with laughter.

Aphmau side hugged him nice and tight so that they could share the paint he'd wasted on her. She cracked her knuckles, "You are SO LUCKY that you didn't get my hair. You better watch out, Bandanna Boy; I'm gonna get you back!"

They continued to work on the house for the rest of the day, and soon enough, all they had to do was furnish the home. They went out to eat as a group, causing a ruckus and having fun.

In the morning, Aphmau went outside and was met by Raven. The two opposite species talked for a bit before the Wyvern gave Aphmau a letter from someone she hadn't expected to hear from.

"Dear Aphmau,

Hi Aphmau, It's Kiki! Thanks for taking care of Leona. I was thinking about moving to Magnolia so that we can get away from the trauma and be near you! Please give the other letter here to Leona! I can't wait to see you!


After Aphmau fetched Leona to give her the letter, they made their way into the guild for breakfast. Aaron, Natsu, and Gajeel were having a conversation. Aphmau was truly happy that he was breaking out of his shell.

"You done staring at Aaron there?" Leona whispered into her lord's ear, causing her to blush.

"Leona! Did Kiki teach you to ask those questions?! Here's a tip, DON'T!" Aaron came and sat down next to the two chattering women.

"Do you have a proper reason to yell, or are you just being your normal obnoxious self?" He took a sip of his drink. Leona smirked, preparing to say something.

"Well, she was just-" Aphmau cut her off with a glare.

"Watch it, Leona." She giggled and made a lips-zipped motion with her finger. Aaron looked confused but went with it. They sat back with team Natsu.

"Do you guys wanna go help me with getting furniture? Aaron, Leona, and I've already installed the shower, toilet, fridge, oven, dishwasher, and sinks. I just need help with the other things."

They all agreed happily.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu yelled. Lucy rolled her eyes at her idiotic friend.

"Natsu, that's what you say in battles, not when we're picking up the furniture." The rest of the guild was so used to the group being loud that they found themselves ignoring them.

"Whatever, that doesn't matter!" Natsu said, pouting.

"Sure it doesn't, Flame brain." Gray LOVED to tease Natsu when he was embarrassed, which pissed him off even more and caused half of their fights.

Aphmau was beaming. "Now, Leona, watch closely. This is the first time you'll see my hand-to-hand combat skills in action!" Aaron couldn't help but snicker beside her.

"She usually does this twice a day if they're lucky." Leona cackled at his statement as Aphmau slowly and unnoticeably appeared behind them. She caught them by surprise before placing a hand on each of their necks and using a pressure point to knock them both out. Wendy was about to stand up and use her powers to wake them, but Aaron stopped her.

"Don't wake them up yet; we should take this time to enjoy not listening to them fight." She giggled playfully and sat back down.

Aphmau sat back down in her seat next to Aaron, playfully punching his shoulder. "Look at you talking to people; I'm so proud!" He scoffed but smiled at her.

"I guess that's no thanks to you, if you hadn't joined, the only people I would be talking to are Levy and Gajeel, and I'd rather be pushed off a cliff than hang around them every single day alone for the rest of my life." Levy looked up from her book, offended. Gajeel attempted to punch him, but Aaron blocked the hit.

"I'm joking; calm down. You two made this guild so much more bearable." Levy threw her book and just barely skimmed his head. "Try again, Bookworm," She did and hit him in the chest. He clapped. "That kinda hurt!"

"Good!" She crossed her arms, sulking with Gajeel. Aphmau had the happiest sounding laughter.

"What're you laughing at, Potato?" Aaron asked, turning her way.

"I mean, the fact that you can make fun of your first 2 friends here with absolutely no shame is amazing." She flashed him a grin.

"I'd say that you're in the same boat as them. I make fun of you just as much as I do them, probably even more."

"That's true, but I'm okay with being made fun of if it means I get to make fun of you back and just be around you!" The raven-haired woman saw his cheeks turn red just under his bandanna. She looked towards his ears, which had also been tinted red.

"Fair enough. Oh yeah, weren't we gonna furnish your house?"

"Oh my god, we still need to do that! Wendy, you can wake them up now!" And that was how they spent their day.


how was that?

I hope you guys enjoyed!

Until next update~

Break their walls- An Aarmau story [UNDER EDITING](Aphmau/fairytail crossover)Where stories live. Discover now