Decorations and celebrations

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Aphmau had finally gotten to her apartment and paid the landlord face-to-face. She went inside and started unpacking the bags she had brought with her.

Her whole life was packed inside 3 pieces of luggage.

She slowly took everything out and began to lay out her living quarters. That didn't stop one critical thought from cursing her mind.

I wonder if Levin, Malachi, and Zoey are doing okay...

It had been 3 years since Aphmau had seen her sons. She was separated from them when the village was attacked. She knew Zoey was taking good care of them, but she couldn't help missing her beloved boys.

Her little Sunbeams. They were both adopted by Aphmau and were her pride and joys. She just wanted to be with them or, at the very least, find somewhere to send the letters she had written over the years. She wanted nothing more than to tell them she loved them and never wanted to leave them. The letters were an exercise to calm the flame of guilt she faced for sending them away so young. The fates worked in mysterious and often unfair ways.

Aphmau's thoughts trailed back to Aaron. She was having a mental debate about whether she wanted to meet him or not. She knew well that she did, but the question was, did he even want to meet her?

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. I was a lord. I know how to throw on a fake face. Nothing is different right now.

"Hi, Aphmau!" Lucy, Erza, and one other girl stood at her door.

"Hi, Lucy and Erza." Aphmau turned towards the other girl. She had blue hair and was wearing a yellow dress. "I don't believe we've met; what's your name?"

"Hi, Aphmau! My name is Levy! I'm so sorry I didn't come up and introduce myself at the guild! I want to make it up to you! We wanted to help you decorate your room! We brought purple paint!" Aphmau opened her door and let the teens in, shutting it behind them.

Before they knew it, the group had finished. They left the apartment for a couple hours to let it dry. During that time, they got to know each other. Well, Aphmau got to know them. She didn't tell them about Levin and Malachi or anything specific about her life in Pheonix Drop. She just talked about stories from living in Magnolia when it came down to it.

They walked back into Aphmau's apartment, moving into the kitchen so they could sit down on the floor with cushions and still talk without inhaling paint fumes. Aphmau made tea and gave them each a cup.

"Hey Levy, you're friends with Aaron, right?" The blue-haired girl in question grinned wildly. She saw their brief interaction. She sits at the table right next to him. The fight between Natsu and Gray was so utterly uninteresting that she thought she'd talk to Aaron the pass the time. On her way to approach him, she caught them mid-eye contact. It wasn't that interesting, but the smile she gave him that caused him to go red on the face was a pleasant surprise.

"Yes, I am! But, how do you know about him? You didn't talk to him." Ezra and Lucy listened in.

"Well, I asked about him. He seems like he could use another friend, and he's closer to my age." Ezra and Lucy laughed, though Aphmau couldn't see what was so funny. It was so unbelievable to everyone that she wanted to be friends with him, and she didn't know why. Something about him was sweet. She felt like a bee floating over to a flower just looking at him. She hadn't felt this way about anyone, ever. She didn't know what it was. Maybe it was that he was standing shirtless in a guild full of people that got her mind racing or just his calm presence in a room full of insanity. She didn't have a clue.

"Good luck with that; he never talks to any of us! The only people he talks to are Levy, Gajeel, and Master!" Lucy's laugh turned more to a disappointed pout by the second.

"It's a shame. I've known him since we were kids. He doesn't say much, but he's powerful. I've trained with him plenty of time to know that much. He has to have a work alternate ego or something because he wouldn't be able to do his job without talking, but he pulls in quite a lot of gems."

"Just ask him to come on a job with you! Be persistent; he'll eventually break. I annoy him a lot so I would know!" Levy stated pridefully. I really don't want to resort to being annoying. Aphmau thought.

They talked some more and then got back to decorating and unpacking stuff. It was nice to not have to do it alone for a change since Aphmau was typically independent.

"Hey, Aphmau? Why are there so many letters in here?" Aphmau spun around to see Erza holding her now opened box of letters. Shit.

"Please don't open those. They're just...exercises." The black-haired woman could feel a sorrow-filled expression seeping onto her face.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked sympathetically. All of their eyes were on Aphmau now.

"Don't worry about it. It's something personal I've been working on to help me cope with grief." She saw Lucy and the others look at each other. It didn't take long for Aphmau to grab the large box and begin placing the letters into her most oversized drawer because there were many of them. Many of them dated back to two years prior.

Once she was done filling her drawers with letters, writing utensils, and art utensils, she unpacked her clothes.

After about 2 hours, they finished unpacking, and everything was decorated. It wasn't a huge apartment but just big enough for Aphmau; that was all she needed.

"Phew! That sure was some work! Levy exclaimed, plopping down onto Aphmau's bed.

Lucy turned to her pink-haired maid, who she had summoned while everyone was decorating. "Thanks, Virgo! You can go now!" Lucy smiled and waved at her. Virgo waved back and disappeared into her world.

"Let's go to a restaurant I know for dinner!" Lucy yelled out impulsively. She was having a great time not being surrounded by her idiotic boyfriends in Team Natsu. She didn't want the time to waste, so she invited the girls out. They cheered and walked out of the apartment complex.

As a group, they made their way over to a restaurant and sat down at a booth. They had ordered the food, and while they were sitting waiting, two familiar groups joined the function.

There at the door were Natsu, Gray, Juvia, and Wendy. The other pair that had come in behind them were Gajeel and Aaron.

Levy waved at them, and everyone from both groups waved back. Even Aaron. They walked over and sat in 2 different booths near the original sitting group. It didn't take long for everyone to begin socializing. As Aaron and Gajeel walked passed them, Aphmau couldn't stop herself from smiling and waving at Aaron.

He waved back, and Aphmau was pretty sure he even had a slight grin gracing his face. The girls quietly teased her, but she shut them up quickly.

The food came, and Aphmau happily wolfed it down. The other girls looked at her like they would look at a person who had never eaten before.

"Leave me be! I haven't eaten today, and I'm so goddamn hungry! I'm not here to be bullied by a bunch of 17 and 18-year-olds!" The girls burst out laughing, but it didn't stop Aphmau from eating.

She heard a couple chuckles from the booth behind theirs, where Aaron and Gajeel were sitting. They all returned to their homes, and Aphmau went to sleep.


How was that?

I hope you guys enjoyed!

Until next update~

Break their walls- An Aarmau story [UNDER EDITING](Aphmau/fairytail crossover)Where stories live. Discover now