Unraveling Secrets

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"We shouldn't be doing this!" "We look like we're robbing the place!" Lucy groaned as they hopped through Aphmau's window, which she had forgotten to lock because who would have a reason to rob her apartment?

A/N It was nighttime, around 11pm, when nobody would be in the Guild.

"Luce, it's fine! We're just learning about the Short Stack." Natsu replied, opening the drawer that Levy told him to open. Natsu grabbed one of each letter for 7 names. Levin, Malachi, Zoey, Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Katelyn. There were more, but he didn't grab them all.

Natsu handed the letters to Lucy, who carefully put them in her bag, trying not to rip them. They left through the window, shutting it but keeping it unlocked so that they could bring them back.

They walked back to the dark and quiet Guild, sitting at the table where the rest of their antsy friends sat. Wendy, Lucy, and Levy opened the envelopes carefully.

"How about we start with this letter?" Gray said, pointing at the letter for Dante. There was neat cursive handwriting on the front stating his name, the same writing on the inside.

Levy picked it up, reading it aloud.

"Dear Dante,

I'm sorry that I couldn't save Kawaii~Chan. There were too many shadow knights. I know this time is difficult for you and the children. I miss her precious smile and pastries. I miss her friendship. I miss her. It wasn't fair. She didn't even get a chance. I hope you'll be happy to know that Nekoette and Dimitri are doing well in the guard school. I'm also sorry I couldn't stay for long enough at the funeral; hell, I don't even know If I can visit you guys any time soon, but I miss you and the rest of my guards. Hopefully, I'll find you guys again.

-Lady Aphmau"

"Oh my gosh...I can't even begin to explain this.." Levy spoke, her eyes wide. "It's dated back 3 years ago.."

"Sound like people died, but what are shadow knights?" Gray asked. Levy flipped through the new book she was reading, called "The History of Ru'aun and The Villages Within," before stopping on a page. It covered ALL sorts of topics.

"Shadow Knights are typically created when someone dies or is stuck in the Nether. If they were strong or magically useful when alive, they undergo mental change, with other Shadow Knights convincing them that they were abandoned by their loved ones. Apparently, the sentient shadow knights can be mighty." Lucy read from a book.

"That's crazy, so they're kind of like zombies with warped memories...should we move on to the next letter? I have one for a person named Laurance."

"Yeah, go ahead, Wendy," Lucy replied.

"Dear Laurance,

I know there's no point in writing you letters anymore considering you're dead, but I wanted to say sorry. If I could change the past, I'd fight by your side until the end like a proper lord. If I had only been strong enough to get away from Shad to help, you might still be by my side. Additionally, I'm sorry I could never return your feelings for me. What happened between us the day of the werewolf wedding certainly does not make this any easier. I'm sure you'll meet a beautiful angel in the afterlife and find whatever it was you were looking for with me. Besides that, I got separated from Levin and Malachi. I don't know where they are; no matter where I look to find them, they're never around. Maybe Zoey took them to her home in the forest, but I don't know if they're safe or not.

The sky gets prettier every day when you're the ones painting it. I miss you, I miss Garroth. I miss you all.


"More dead people...so does that mean that the other card to the man Garroth is another grief letter..?" Wendy asked, and the others shrugged.

"Let's find out. Lucy, Can you read the letter for Garroth?" Lucy nodded and unfolded the letter.

"Dear Garroth,

As a lord, I was weak. I let you, Laurance, Kawaii~Chan, and many more people die. I couldn't prevent the attack, but I could've sent someone to get help. I tried, I promise I tried. Shad blocked my path. I fought like a dog to try and get back to you, but by the time I got back, you weren't breathing, and Laurance had just gotten struck. It seems Vlyad was already long gone. That coward Zane teleported away with Ivy on his arm. I couldn't even use my powers. The only good thing I could do was save the rest of the children. Thankfully, Kiki, Leona, Dale, Molly, Alexis, Donna, Logan, and the rest of Donna's family escaped. I haven't seen any of them since I re-homed them in Scaleswind. I'm sorry I couldn't be the fierce leader people looked up to. Kate, Dante, Travis, and I haven't seen each other since the funeral, but I know they miss you too. I'm sorry I couldn't fall in love with you. You followed me to the end of the earth and I let you down. I'm so sorry.


"There's dried up tears on the paper..." Lucy frowned, running her thumb over the previously dampened spot. Her eyes watered at the thought of Aphmau scribbling down these words, pouring her soul into this paper. She read over the phrase "I'm sorry I couldn't fall in love with you," once again, absolutely heartbroken. She took in the aura of pure self resentment that seeped off of the paper. The two men she had written to were both in love with her and she couldn't reciprocate such feelings. In the end, they died and she never gave them or herself the closure of being romantically involved.

"She was the lord of a village?" Mira questioned, breaking the silence.

"Juvia guesses so..." Juvia replied, looking down at the table.

"I'm gonna read the one for Katelyn." Gray grabbed the note and began reading.

"To Katelyn,

Hi Kate, it's been a while. I haven't been able to visit you, but I promise I will soon. I hope you're doing well back at the guard academy. I know these past years have been hard, suffering with the loss of everyone, but I'm happy to report that I'm in a guild called Fairy Tail. Hopefully, I can make myself of use here. I've met many people, and even though some of them are bat-shit crazy and dumber than piles on piles of bricks, I feel like I belong somewhere for the first time since The Phoenix Attack. Fairy Tail is much farther away from the guard academy, so It might take a while to get there. If Zoey ever sends you a note, let me know where it came from, so I can also give her and my boys a visit. Do me a favor and tell Lucinda and Travis I said hi. I miss you guys; I'll see you soon.


"Hm, this letter was written a couple days ago; I guess this Katelyn person is still alive."

"She called it The Phoenix Attack..." Levy stated, pulling a book from her bag and flipping to the table of contents. She ran her finger down the numbers and paused, trying to find a page.

"And?" Gajeel questioned, looking over his girlfriend's shoulder.

"THE PHOENIX ATTACK! I GOT IT!" Everyone jumped at her sudden outburst.

"This page is about the Phoenix Attack! It says that about 4 years ago, the town of Phoenix Drop, which is/was located in the Ru'aun region, was attacked after the only known opened nether portal teleported itself into the village. About 100 shadow knights came running out, many sentient and many mindless. They began lighting things on fire and slaughtering people. The guards and the lord of the beautiful village fought them off as best they could. They went into the fight with 16 guards, plus the lord...and ended the battle with 5... a witch named Lucinda, a guard named Dante, a past jury member: Katelyn the Fire Fist, the demon warlocks son Travis....and Lord Aphmau. That day they lost 30 people in their village of 50 or so people, myself and my husband being 2 of the few living..." Levy turned the page; a drawing of Aphmau in a dress and flower crown was front and center, with no visible scars, just a smile.


I hope you guys enjoyed!

Until next update~

Break their walls- An Aarmau story [UNDER EDITING](Aphmau/fairytail crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang