famous || ransom drysdale (request)

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requestes by XxAquilanxX knives out is probably my favourite movie ever. how do you guys feel about more ransom imagines? :)

your p.o.v.
"y/n! it's so good to see you!" meg answered the door to harlan's house. she invited me over for lunch so we can catch up. we went to high school together but parted ways when college started up, we now hardly see each other, but are still close as ever.

"i missed you!" i squealed as we hugged. "hey, hey!" i heard a voice say from behind me. i turned around to see none other than ransom drysdale.

"hi!" i said cheerfully to him. "hello." he said with a harsh tone. the only other time i've seen ransom, he was arguing with half of his family. he pushed passed me to get inside the house, and i huffed. was that a ransom thing? just to be rude to everyone?

"ignore him. come in!" meg said. i smiled, it was no big deal. i mean, not everyone's gonna like you.

meg led me to the dining area, where she had set the table for two. she got food from (your favourite restaurant). "oh my god!" i said excitedly. her and i used to always eat at this restaurant when we were in high school.

we sat down, deep in conversation when ransom came in. he grabbed a fry off of meg's place. "you ass! get your own!" she said as he shoved it into his mouth with a laugh. i giggled a bit as he did so, and at meg's reaction.

"this seat taken?" i shook my head no, but meg spoke up. "yes, you can't sit with us." she said.

ransom chuckled as he took a seat next to me. he didn't talk much for the rest of the time meg and i ate, he kind of just sat there listening to our conversation.

from time to time, i could feel him looking at me, which made me squirm in my seat.

meg took the plates away as i said thank you to her. "so, how are you?" i asked, trying to make conversation with ransom to make it less awkward.

"i'm good." he replied, looking down. weird, i thought, but luckily meg returned.

"come on, let's sit in the living room." she said. i got up, not expecting ransom to follow behind us, but he did.

jacob was in the living room, on his phone. we ignored his presence, since most of the time, he ignored everyone else around him.

meg and i continued our conversation as ransom sat on the other couch, on his phone as well. i'm not going to lie, ransom is attractive.

we completely ignored everyone else, until jacob gasped, nearly dropping his phone. "what's wrong?" meg asked, panic plastered on her face.

jacob turned his phone to show us what he was looking at. it was me.

an edit of scenes from me in the mcu movies. the editor was amazing, i looked like a badass.

ransom's eyes shot up, watching the edit from the beginning to end. "you're that girl from the marvel movies!" jacob beamed. i scratched my neck awkwardly. "um.. yeah." i said. it was nice, you know. them treating me like every other person, not being nice to me on purpose just because i was in a couple of movies.

"wait.. you're (characters name)?" ransom asked.

"no, i'm y/n." i smiled, and he playfully shook his head.

"are you single?" jacob blurted out, causing me to laugh at his sudden abruptness. this is the most i've ever heard jacob talk.

"i am, actually." i replied. meg hit jacob's arm. "what? i was just asking a question!" he said.

meg shook her head. "in your dreams." she said.

"if i'm hearing correctly, you are single?" ransom said with a smirk.

before i could say anything (which i didn't really need to, since he already knew the answer), meg interrupted, something she did quite often when i was around her family. "stop flirting with her, you creeps." she said, and i giggled.

"i'm flattered, really." i said with a smile, mainly looking at ransom. his cheeks were the slightest bit of pink. "can i have a picture with you?" jacob asked. i smiled as his camera flashed.

after a while, jacob went upstairs to his room. ransom stayed, though. still in the same position as he was when we first entered the living room.

"i'm gonna use the bathroom, i'll be right back." meg said, and i nodded. when she left. ransom spoke up.

"you look very pretty." ransom said.

"why thank you, i try." i smiled and he chuckled. "would you like to grab some coffee? i saw you chug that iced coffee earlier." i laughed as i remembered meg timing me to see how fast i could drink the beverage.
i frowned a bit, considering something. "hey, are you okay?" ransom asked. "yeah.." i cleared my throat. "um, yeah. you're not asking me out because i'm.. you know.." i trailed off, realizing how rude that must've sounded.

"no, of course not! famous or not, you're still as beautiful as you were when you walked through that door."

i laughed. "that was so cheesy." i smiled. "sure, i'd love to grab coffee sometime."

he smiled in victory, handing me his phone to type in my number. "i do not want to be a third wheel." meg groaned when she returned from the bathroom.

ransom and i laughed as she sat in between us.

avengers imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon