left out || sebastian stan

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an imagine where youre arising actor whos dating seb and you two are attending your first premiere together.

please keep in mind that i really have no clue how premieres work, so please dont judge me on the inaccuracy:)

word count: 1.4k
your p.o.v.

you couldn't describe the emotions you were feeling. nervous, excited, scared, proud, all in one. today you were attending your first premiere for a movie that youre starring in. you finally made it.

"how're you feeling?" sebastian asked as he fixed his tie. "i can't describe it. i know that i'm nervous, though. that's for sure." you said. sebastian chuckled and took a step closer to you, pulling you into a tight hug.

"it's all going to be okay. you'll get through it. i was super nervous for my first premiere too, but you know what? that was the best day of my life." he smiled.

you smiled back, nodding. "so how did you? get through it?" you asked.

"well, if it weren't for my amazing friends, i wouldn't have gotten through the night. and lucky for you, you have me and your amazing friends. you're set, y/n." sebastian chuckled.

(you had invited your closest friends to the premiere. scarlett, elizabeth, chris, anthony and robert.)

"ok. cool." you tried to say casually, though you were freaking out.

"y/n?" sebastian asked. "hm?" you replied.

"i'm so proud of you. i know you're gonna be an amazing actress, and i can't wait to see that happen." he said honestly, giving you a smile.

"i love you, sebby." "i love you too, y/n."

- time skip to the premiere

you got out of the limo with sebastian. your friends were told to wait in the limo for a bit before coming out.

once you hopped out. the crowd began screaming. you were overwhelmed. you didn't know how to feel.

you were so happy, you could almost cry right then and there. until you heard, "sebastian! sebastian!" being chanted repeatedly.

and then you realized that they weren't necessarily happy to see you, they were happy to see sebastian.

many of the people in the crowd had marvel shirts on and pictures for seb to sign.

was anyone even there for me?

now, it was no secret that you were dating the super soldier. but for some reason you expected people to attend the premiere because they actually cared about the film, not only because they wanted to meet sebastian.

as you walked down the carpet next to sebastian, you felt like an outcast. you didn't know how to act, either. you were shy and awkward, whilst you had an absolute legend next to you.

people wanted to interview him, take pictures, you name it.

you tried to smile in the pictures but you didn't really have much energy anymore.

you heard more cheering and looked behind you.

the rest of the cast had gotten out of the car. their names were being chanted all over. and they weren't even in the movie.

but alas, one interviewer decided to interview you.

"y/n! how's your first premiere??" they asked.

"oh, it's great!" you lied, forcing a smile.

"what is it like sharing the spotlight with sebastian?" all of the questions were about him. great.

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