• Feel Better || Chris Beck •

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the title sounds like smut but its NOT. it's fluff, actually. me? making fluff? i-
today was one of those sucky days. everyone has them. you were sick, had the biggest migrane of a lifetime, and you just missed chris.

you texted him today, but he still hasn't responded. chris is a very busy guy. he just got back from his ares 3 mission, so you weren't going to blame him if he was just tired.

but, finally, your phone buzzed.

your house, for the most part, was dark. the lights made your migrane worse. when you turned on you phone, the bright light made you groan in pain. turning down your screen brightness as low as possible hardly helped, but you texted chris nonetheless.

at 12:34pm

at 4:57pm
chris 💖:
oh hi


chris 💖:
what's up?


chris 💖:

i miss you
read 4:59pm

read 5:00pm

earth to babe
read 5:01pm

haha, get it? cause you were
in space?
read 5:01pm

read 5:02pm

you sighed, shutting your phone off. one, you didn't want to annoy chris by spamming his phone, and two, your head was hurting more than ever. love that for me.

at 6:10pm
chris 💖:
fbi open up.

as if on cue, someone began knocking on your door. obviously, it was chris. it took you a bit longer to navigate the door, since your house was even darker now that the sun's getting real low. (💀)

you opened the door to reveal chris holding a sh*t ton of stuff. "chris!" you said excitedly. "hello, love." he replied, letting himself in. "why is it so dark in here?" he questioned, turning on the kitchen light. you winced a bit, squeezing your eyes shut.

"uh- migrane." you replied, walking to the kitchen with your eyes still shut. "oh, babe, i'm sorry," he said apologetically, shutting the lights back off. you opened your eyes to darkness. "thank you." you said, trying to find him through the darkness to give him a hug.

you ran into him, you couldn't tell if it was his front or his back, yet you wrapped your arms around him nonetheless. "thank you for coming." "of course. always call me when you miss me, okay?" "okay." i replied, earning a kiss on my forehead. so it was the front of his body.

"close your eyes, i have to turn on the lights for a sec." chris said. "okay." you said, squeezing your eyes shut once more, throwing your hands over your eyes for extra protection. you heard cabinets being opened and closed, and you heard some liquid being poured into a glass. you heard the switch go off, meaning the lights have been shut off.

"here." chris said out of nowhere, almost making me jump. he handed me some pill and a glass of something. "is this poisonous?" i said, taking the pill. "yes." he said sarcastically.

"it's an advil." he said. i took the pill and drunk the water with it. "thank you, chris." i said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. he wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

"go up to your room, i'll be there in a sec." he said. i nodded, then realized he couldn't see me. "okay." i said, stumbling into the room, running into things on the way there. i laid on the bed, pulling the blankets over me. it was still freezing.

chris quietly came in after about 5 minutes. "psst." he whispered. "i'm awake dumba*s" "oh, just making sure." he said, making you chuckle. he sat next to you on the bed.

i made you something. you sat up a bit. "what's that?" he grabbed two plates that were on the night stand, handing one to you. you literally wanted to moan at the smell. "chris.." you said in awe. you couldn't see, but you knew it was apple pie.

"thank you." you whispered, taking a bite. your eyes widened. "oh my-" "your dad gave me the recipe." chris said, chuckling. your eyes watered, knowing that he went out of his way to make something special for you.

"oh, i forgot!" chris said. you heard ruffling, and next thing you knew, chris shoved something soft and fluffy towards you. "sorry.. i can't see." he apologized. "oh, it's fine." you said, taking whatever he was giving to you. you knew that smell, and the feeling. it was your favourite hoodie of his.

you quickly put it on, instantly feeling warmth wash over your body. "thank you, babe." you said, kissing chris on the cheek. you knew he was smiling by the way he talked. "of course, my love." you both ate the apple pie, having conversations here and there.

once you finished, he put the plates on the night stand and you snuggled next to him. he wrapped an arm over you. just what you needed; to be cuddling with chris.

you smiled into his chest. "feeling better?" he asked. you yawned, "yes. thank you." you said for the millionth time. "stop thanking me, darling. anything for you. now, get some rest." you nodded into his chest, closing your eyes.

he played with your hair for a bit, something he knew you loved, especially when you were feeling down. once he thought you were asleep, he whispered "i love you."

"i love you too." you whispered back. he kissed your forehead, before you both shortly fell asleep.

a/n: cute. so this story was lowkey hard to write because.. it was in the dark lmao. but anyways hope you enjoyed:)

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