what happened || sebastian stan

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sad / super short but i wanted to write something

sebastian's p.o.v.

every so often, y/n would make me pastries. as cliché as it sounds, i adored it more than anything. her pastries were my favourite thing on this earth. no bakery could match them.

until one day she just.. stopped. normally, she'd make them on fridays.

but it's been many weeks since she last made me any. and i didn't want to ask her about it, because i didn't want to make it seem like i was expecting it.

though, i always wondered why she just stopped. maybe she got tired of baking? bored?

or bored of me.

she's been distant. we barely cuddle anymore. i don't remember the last time she's told me she loved me. when she last jumped into my arms.

maybe she's upset.

i checked up on her and got the same, dull response. "i'm okay." and she left it at that. at this point, i wasn't even sure if she was okay or not.

she's been coming home later than usual. but i don't ask her about it because i'm afriad. afraid of the answer.

i tried making my own desserts myself, but they weren't nearly as good. they tasted horrible, actually. i even followed a tutorial.

i miss her pastries. but more importantly, i missed y/n.

i missed the way she laughed at my dumb jokes thay weren't even funny. i missed the way she wrapped her arms around me while i cooked. i missed the way she cuddled up next to me while we slept, and how she used to draw shapes on my chest.

i miss y/n.

it doesn't take a genius to know that she's not the same anymore. she's been acting different and there's nothing i could do about it.

nothings worse than knowing someone doesn't love you anymore, and not being able to do anything about it.

i can't make her fall in love with me again. she'll never smile at me the same. she'll never hold me the same.

i'll never know if i'll ever hear the words, "i love you," ever again.

but i can't tell her that. i don't have the guts to bring it up to her. i can't lose her just yet. not if i don't have to.

i plan on holding onto every piece of y/n that i have, up until the moment she leaves.

y/n finally came home. 2 hours late. "hey.." i said softly, and she gave me a forced smile. "you made something?" she said walking over to the cupcakes.

"yeah.. i uh- wanted to try it out, you know?" she noddex, taking a bite. she tried to hide her facial expressions by turning around.

"good job.." she said awkwardly, a face of pure disgust.

but that's not y/n. the old y/n would make fun of me because of my baking. that's the y/n that i miss.

it was so easy to be myself around her. it was never awkward, never a dull moment between us.

we used to be able to stay until 4am just talking about anything. we can barely hold a conversation to last 5 minutes.

i remember how i used to help her bake. i did something as simple as mixing the ingredients and she would praise me. i missed that y/n.

how she used to hug me when i was sad, not anymore. does she even know when i'm sad? does she know how much this is affecting me? does she care?

how would i know. i thought i knew her. she was so easy to read. now i can't understand her. i don't know what i did wrong, but i'm so incredibly sorry, y/n.

for whatever i did, i didn't mean to hurt you. i love you.

i miss you. i know the old you is still there somewhere. i just need to find her.

i just wanted to know..
what happened?

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