she's a child pt. 2 || sebastian stan

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so a pt. 2 was requested to this one and i reread the first one and its not as bad as my other ones which shocked me 😳.

morgan's p.o.v
i may be 5, but i'm not entirely dumb. i know i'm the reason y/n and sebastian broke up. i'm going to fix this.

your p.o.v.
my house was about a 30 minute walk from sebastians. you weren't too upset, you could take some of the warm breeze and help yourself calm down.

only that didn't work. you sobbed the entire walk. many people stop and stared. any other tine you'd feel self-consious, but you continued your walk.

once you finally got home, you went straight for the nearest couch. not bothering to change, take off your makeup. your only intention was to sleep.

part of you wishes you could go to sleep and never wake up. the other part just wishes sebastian might call.

sebastian's p.o.v.
i hugged morgan for a while. she was comforting me. "do you still miss her?" morgan asked, as if we didn't just break up a couple of hours ago.

i tried to shake my head, you know, for morgan, but more tears just came down my face. i didn't sob, i didn't make a sound. i just let them keep falling.

"daddy, you lied." morgan pouted. i choked back a sob. "i'm sorry princess," wiping my tears, i kissed her on the head. "daddy's just gonna go to sleep okay? don't stay up past 10." i said.

she nodded. "goodnight!" she said. "goodnight morgan." i tried my best to smile. maybe i scared her.

i went straight to bed. with no y/n. it was saturday night, movie night. a saturday night movie will never be the same without her.

i really want to just call her.
and i did.
in my wildest dreams.

morgan's p.o.v.
i waited until i heard daddy snoring. it was 10:02pm. normally, when i'm up past my bedtime, daddy's already asleep.

so i took the chance to sneak his phone. i crawled in and out of his room. i knew his password, it was my birthday.

his lockscreen was a picture of him and y/n, his homescreen was him and i.

i looked for the app that i remember him texting mommy on. i test out many different apps before finally finding it.

i looked for.. y/n! got it. her name had a red heart. her contact picture was funny. i wanted to laugh a little.

i tried my best to send a text message. i think i did pretty good.


y/n's p.o.v.
i woke up because i had to use the bathroom. i quickly check my phone and see a notification pop up from.. sebastian!

holy hell.

it was quite an odd text.

i replied with: sebastian, are you drunk??

sebastian texted back almost too quickly. he even read my text instantly. why was he staring at his phone waiting for me to respond?

"sebastian's" message: NO WHY COMEOVER -SEBASITIAN

weird, i thought.

before leaving the house, i texted him: i'm on my way, sebastian. don't do anything stupid please."

morgan's p.o.v.
i quickly snuck back daddy's phone and ran to my room. i stayed in the dark, pretending to be asleep.

i heard a knock on the door.

your p.o.v.
i knocked on sebastian's door. i waited for almost 2 minutes before a tired looking sebastian answered the door.

"y/n?!" he looked shocked, as if he didn't just ask me to come over. "what are you doing here?!" he asked.

"you just texted me! i thought you were drunk-"

"wait, i didn't text you.." sebastian said.

"huh?!" i was so lost.

"morgan.." we both whispered in usion.

"you.. so you didn't text me.." i said, a bit sadly. i did get excited when he texted me. even while drunk he wantwd to text me..

but he didn't.

"sorry, i'll go.. and um, sorry for waking you." i said, trying to leave out the door as fast as i could.

"no, stay!" sebastian called out.

"what..?" i said.

sebastian pushed his lips into mine.

i heard a bedroom door open. morgan came out. i assumed she saw us kissing already, but decided to not say anything.

"hi, y/n. this is molly." she said, handing me a doll.

now my eyes watered.

"are you sure..?" i said. she nodded, handing me the doll.

sebastian smiled as he saw his little family forming right infront of him.

it was perfect.

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