awkward energy || sebastian stan

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- your p.o.v.

it's been about six months since you've last seen sebastian face to face. you were on your way to the airport, ready to pick him up.

you had multiple gifts ready for him, you were so excited to surprise him.

(you've been dating for a year)

you saw him near the baggage claim. you ran and jumped into his arms, you expected it to be all romantic but instead he just awkwardly hugged you.

if it had been this scenario almost a year ago, he wouldve immediately hugged you.

passionate kisses all over your face kind of thing.

but instead, you had to go for the kiss and he almost rejected you.

"are you alright, babe?" i asked.

he just nodded, and gave me his best smile.

we walked quietly to the car, i tried to do as much as hold his hand, but he moved it a bit.

once we got in the car, it became even more silent.

none of us dared to say a word. it was as if we'd die if we did so much as breathe loudly.

"how was tokyo?" i asked, trying to start up any possible conversation.

he had been smiling at his phone for a while. "good, yeah."

"oh, i got gifts for you! it's in the back." i said.

"that's nice." he replied, not looking up from his phone.

"i wish we could've been together on our anniversary.." i said sadly.

"me too." he said with absolutely no reaction.

i cleared my throat. "um, who are you texting?"

it was silent for a couple seconds before sebastian realized i said something. "oh! uh, nobody. just a friend."

i nodded. i knew whoever it was wasn't 'just a friend' but i left it at that.

the rest of the ride home was quiet. sebastian fell asleep.

thank god, or else he probably would've seen me crying.

i wasn't loud or anything, but i was constantly wiping my tears.

he looks so out of it, out of the whole relationship. i'm almost certain he's going to breakup with me soon.

and i was scared. i waited six months for him to be in my arms again, only for him to possibly leave me.

only for it to be awkward whenever we're together.

we've barely said a word to one another since he got back.

part of me thinks he wishes he was still in tokoyo.

once we pulled into the driveway, i wiped my tears and cleared my throat. my face was so puffy and it was obvious i was crying.

you knew you could hear the sadness in your throat, too, but you knew sebastian probably didn't care.

"we're here." your voice broke a little.

sebastian looked at you, right at your eyes, and got out. ignoring you.

you grabbed his bag, but he took it. "i got it." was all he said.

you remembered to grab the gift you had for him from the backseat. you were going to give it to him at the airport but decided not to.

sebastian was sitting on the couch when you got in. he left his luggage by the door, probably for me to unpack.

"seb.." you said. he looked up, and stopped smiling as he just was at his phone.

"happy anniversary." i said. i handed him the gift, and he took it. i sat a bit far from him on the couch, giving him enough space.

he opened it, and saw a ring with the date of your anniversary carved on it.

a bunch of pictures of you two were also in the box, along with *the item he's always wanted idk* and a card.

he didn't say anything for a while as he read the card.

dear sebby <3 11/16/19,
happy one year baby. i can't wait to see you soon. i've really missed you, i hope you like the gifts.. i'm bummed we can't see each other on our anniversary but i know you're probably in tokoyo doing great things. i'm happy for you, i am. but i'm excited for you to get back. i hope you miss me as much as i've missed you. i love you more than anything, sebastian. and i'm certain i want to spend the rest of my love with you. i love you babe, happy one year.
- y/n.

he finished reading the card. "thank you" he said.

his reaction made you upset. you sighed, as more tears came down.

you got up, ready to leave the room.

"wait.." he grabbed your arm. "i'm sorry." he said.

i wiped my tears. "for what..?" i said.

"i'm just not feeling it anymore, i'm sorry y/n but i don't think i love you the same way.. i met this girl and i really like her.."

you nodded, understandingly.

"it's okay."

and to think you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.

you saw a future.

and you saw it fade.

you saw a picture of sebastian and another woman grow.

bigger and bigger.

and he's gone from your life.

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