"acting" || sebastian stan

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your characters name is lilia, sebs is grayson and your son is liam. :)

also!!! thank you so much for 700k reads omg?! and 10k votes ily!!! happy pride month<3

your p.o.v.

"good job!" i grinned, pretending to look over andrew's paper. he plays sebastian and i's son in this movie, his characters name is liam.

"do i get another cookie?" he asked with pleading eyes.

"liam, you had four, already. that's enough for today, alright? you can have some tomorrow. go finish up your homework, buddy," i said, as he swung his bag over his shoulder.

sebastian's character, grayson, spoke. "mommy's being dramatic. one more cookie couldn't hurt, right?" he smiled at the boy who now beamed up at him, taking the cookie and shoving it into his mouth before i had the chance to refuse.

i honestly couldn't even look at sebastian right now. him and i have had an ongoing argument over the past few days. about work and stress and not having enough time for each other, and some girl he had been spending too much time with.

"seriously, grayson?" i said with an eyeroll, messing with the tea bag that was placed before me.

"it's a cookie, lilia."

"i'm going to bed. goodnight," i picked up the cup, and began to walk away.

sebastian, following the script, rougly grabbed my arm. "you're seriously not going to let me back into our bedroom?" some of the "tea" spilled from the cup upon him pulling me, but luckily it was just water dyed to look yellow.

i yanked my arm out of his grasp, replying with, "cut the bullshit, grayson. you know damn well you'd be in that room if you hadn't slept with another woman."

sebastian's eyes looked fierce, a look that would've scared me if we weren't filming.

"could you at least let me get some of my shit? could you do that much? or are you too petty for that, too." he said

"you know what? fuck you. you don't even care about how you ruined our family, betrayed your wife and your only child. you haven't even once apologized. it's the least you could've done. you're never home anymore sebastian, it's like you don't fucking care!"

i cringed once the words left my mouth. i fucked up, calling sebastian by his real name. now we'd have to redo the whole scene all over again.

andrew (liam), stood awkwardly by the door. after my line, he was supposed to come out and join the scene.

"cut," the director said. "that was really good, guys! loved the emotion, you know. feels like you guys are really fighting. don't worry about it, y/n, it happens. you guys can take five."

sighing, i walked away, pretending i didn't hear sebastian call my name.

i rushed to my trailer. in a way, the fight grayson and lilia are having is similar to sebastian and i's. minus the cheating, i hope. but how she feels like he doesn't care about her anymore, alone, in a way. i guess i understand her.

someone knocked on the door of my trailer. i groaned because i knew exactly who it was, there's no avoiding him this time.

slowly, i made my way to the door, opening it to face sebastian.

"you're very good at acting, y/n. loved the emotion back there," he said, quoting our director. "but you weren't acting, were you." he said it matter-of-factly, instead of a question.

"it's our job, sebastian. of course i was."

"then why did my name slip out? you seemed pretty mad and-"

"look, it was a mistake, alright? we can redo the scene."

he sighed as i began to do touch-ups on my makeup. "can we please talk about this, y/n? i'm tired of fighting. i understand where you're coming from and why you're upset, and i'm sorry for making you feel that way. i really miss you."

my eyes began to water but i blinked them away. he continued, "let's take a break from our jobs, yeah? when this movie's over, we can spend our time together like we used to. i know we've been really busy but we can make it work, i promise."

"why did you lie?" i said once he finished. "about going out with scarlett? you could've just told me you two were going to hangout, it's worse that you lied to my face about it."

sebastian played with his hands. someone knocked on the door of my trailer. "you're needed back on set. do you know where sebastian is?"

"he's in here," i replied. he got up and we both exited together.

"i'll explain later, i promise. i love you, y/n." i just nodded and held his hand, the first time we've even touched in a couple of days.

"ah, yes, here are my movie stars!" our director said as we walked in. "starting from when liam walks off to his room, so just when you guys start fighting. that sound good?"

we both nodded and the cameras started rolling. i was not as angry as i was before, therefore it probably wasn't as good as the first take. but our director was impressed all the same.

"cut!! that was amazing, you guys! that's a wrap for today. we ordered some dinner from the barbecue place if you guys want some."

sebastian was in his trailer already taking off his costume since the last scene we filmed was of just me and my on-screen son.

i began to walk off set when somebody stopped me.

"y/n, could you give this to sebastian? he left his phone on set."

"yeah, sure. thank you so much," i said.

the screen lit up with a text, and since it was already in my hands, i glanced down at it for a quick second.

i can't wait to see you tonight!
i've missed you<3

i felt my eyes water once again, seeing as another notifcation from scarlett appeared.

i made your favourite, by the

sebastian, now in sweats and a black t-shirt, walked towards me. "there you are!"

 "there you are!"

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