your future || avengers preference

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some are cute and the others are-
your future with: steve
you met the day captain america saved your life. you were the most goregous person he's ever seen. you made him forget all about peggy. it was love at first sight, you felt the same about him.

you both knew you were the mission pieces to one anothers lives. little by little, you fell in love even more.

he proposed 6 months after dating, because he was certain you were the one. and you were.

all he's ever wanted was a family. at least 3 kids, but you now have four.

james, riley, samantha and nicole.

it was perfect. it was all he's ever wanted and more. you were the couple that everyone aspired to be.

you lived happily ever after yay

your future with: bruce
you and bruce met through natasha. you're her best friend, and during the time they were together, she brought you to meet him. he knew it was wrong, but he thought you were stunning.

natasha ended things with bruce, though. which made him feel less bad about his feelings towards you.

natasha didn't mind that you two began dating. she saw the spark in your eyes when you two met.

he proposed after two years. it was perfect. was.

you were expecting, but bruce never helped out. whenever you were in pain, you'd call him.

"bruce, please come here! i can barely move!"

"not now, honey. i'm busy."

he was always in the lab. whenever you tried to help, you'd somehow mess up, which would make bruce mad, so mad that big man almost came out.

you finally gave birth to your beautiful daughter. she had bruce's eyes.

bruce wasn't even there for the delivery.

you were fed up with taking care of your daughter by yourself for two years whilst your husband was downstairs.

you finally filed for a divorce.

bruce begged you to stay, he promised he would help out.

"goodbye bruce."

your future with: tony
you were his one night stand, not knowing he was with pepper. you showed up to his house one day, breaking the news.

you were pregnant with his child.

he freaked out, he kicked me out. of course pepper overheard which made everything way worse. you felt awful.

you would've never done what you did if you had known he had a wife, and a daughter.

his life flashed before his eyes.

he was never there for your newborn son, he paid child support, though. you found a boyfriend who loved and accepted your son.

you wanted nothing to do with tony.

your future with: bucky
bucky's dream was to be able to love and cherish his future woman, and have kids. his dream seemed close to impossible given his past.

most people still see him as the winter soldier, which he understands.

everyone except you. you worked at a coffee shop in queens, where he walked in and was astonished by your beauty.

he got your number, and it was history from there.

the only thing was; you didn't know about his past. he felt guilty and eventually told you, which you softly played with his hair,

"it wasn't you, bucky. i know you, and you'd never do such a thing. it's not your fault."

he couldn't believe his luck. someone who loves him regardless of his past.

you got married once he realized you were the one.

as you were asleep on your honeymoon, bucky stirred in his sleep.


no response, he started shaking. tears came down his eyes.


with his metal arm, he pushed you. hard.

you fell off the bed.

you shook him violently, where he grabbed your wrist so tight with his metal arm, you knew it would leave bruises.

"bucky!" you cried.

he finally woke up.

you hand was shaking from the pain of his metal arm.

"what happened-" he looked down and saw your bruised wrist.

you told him you forgave him, but from here on out, it was never the same. he was so afraid of hurting you again. he never slept in the same room as you anymore. he was cautious.

you barely saw him. he couldn't face the fact that he's hurt you.

he gave you a whole speech on how he can't live with himself anymore. he wish he could take back what he did, etc. he decided the best way to keep you safe was a divorce.

your future with: loki
loki. son of odin, god of mischief. you loved that about him, surprisingly. the thing that made him insantly fall in love was your innocence. you were the type of girl to be caught studying in a cafe, listening to calming beach sounds to help you relax.

you two were polar opposites, but it was like a match made in heaven.

you two were going to get married in a week.
you began taking about how excited you were for a future with loki.

"our kids would be beautiful.. i at least want two-" you said.

"wait, children??" loki said shocked

loki began to explain that he despises children, and the fact that you want two is brutal.

"loki, that's all i've ever wanted- how are we going to get married when we want two completley different things?!"

"maybe we shouldn't get married, y/n" he said, walking away.

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