sending you off || tom holland

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i hope this doesnt flop since it isnt chris or seb, i feel really confident about this story:,(
wc: 1538

your p.o.v.
"shit." you mumbled, staring down at the positive pregnancy test in your hands. you sat on the toilet and cried your eyes out.

"SHIT!" you yelled louder, throwing the test and banging your fist on the wall. thankfully, nobody was home.

you had made the awful mistake of ch- che.. i couldn't even bare to say the word.

it was disgusting.

you got so fucking drunk, you slept with harrison. you have never even slept with tom before, and you've been together for a year. you said "you weren't ready." tom was so fucking respectful, and i go, sleeping with his best friend.

tom was away filiming in la. he wouldn't be home for another two days. you hesitated on telling him just yet. you told harrison. he was ecstatic.


he knew what the hell he was doing. purposely sleeping with you, making sure you were so drunk you wouldn't remember it by morning. getting you pregnant.

because he'd always loved you. but you were with tom. it was the perfect plan. way too fucking perfect, that his one in a million plan worked.

2 weeks later

tom came home. you mostly avoided eye contact. you couldn't face him. he'd notice the guilt.

you were distant. he was his usual cheery self. happy.

you can't break his heart- not now. he was so happy. he was at the top of his career, everything was perfect for him.

abortion? not even an option for me. adoption? well, tom would already know i was pregnant. i can't look at a baby and see the man i cheated on tom with. or a girl who looks like me, a cheater.

i waited a month. i was just trying to buy myself some time. "baby, are you okay? you've been stress eating, distant.. what's going on, love?" tom asked.

he was so caring..

"i.. uhm- well.." you stuttered. you hated the word. no way in hell would it escape your mouth.

you went to the bathroom, coming back with the pregnancy test.

he took it, fully in shock. sadness washed his face. he scanned the room for a camera, maybe, just maybe, he hoped, this was some type of sick joke.

"you're.. but we never-" he stuttered, his eyes watering.

you broke down in tears. "i'm sorry.." you sobbed. "i'm so fucking sorry- i was so drunk and i know that doesn't make it okay but harrison-"

"hold the fuck up, harrison?! what the hell does he have to do with this??" tom raised his voice.

he never raised his voice.

"it's.." you whimpered, tears rapidly falling. tom waited impatiently for an answer. not the answer he was hoping for, but deep down he knew what it was. "it's his baby.." you said, closing your eyes shut quickly.

not wanting to see the look on tom's face. the look of betrayal, from not only his lover;

but his best friend.

both of his best friends.

he took a deep breath in, trying to control his emotions. he took a moment of silence to process everything. that silence was deadly.

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