for the press || chris evans

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(chris and elizabeth olsen are starring in a movie together, not mcu related, in this story:))
your p.o.v.

you are y/n y/l/n, chris evans' girlfriend. nobody knew about you, though. and you liked it that way. it was better for both you and him that you were hidden from the world. you knew you were bound to get hateful comments if it was revealed that you were his girlfriend.

today he left, giving you a loving kiss before going to a meeting. "i'll be back in a bit, love" he said.

you were at chris' house, waiting for him to return from his meeting with his manager. he was gone longer than usual. normally his meetings only last an hour and a half, but today it stretched to three.

you texted him, wondering where he was.

my love

hey baby, where are you? when are
you coming home?
read 4:46pm

that was weird, chris never left you on read, but you didn't think much of it. maybe he was just really busy, or the meeting was super important. nonetheless you sat around waiting for him, as he promised to be home in time to binge watch a show you've been dying to see.

it was now 7pm, and you were getting worried. you haven't heard from his since he left, you texted him a couple of times but continuously got left on read. you tried to occupy yourself by cooking, even baking, but you couldn't take your mind off of chris. where is he? is he okay? why hasn't he been responding to my messages?

you weren't the type to be, as some call, "clingy," but you felt as though you had the right to be. you were worried sick that something bad must've happened to him, and him not responding to you wasn't helping, either.

after cooking your meal, you thought it was best to pass time by going on twitter. you decided to wait an hour, and if he didn't come home, you would start calling the cops.

but, you were not happy to go on twitter and have the first thing you see was a picture of chris evans and elizabeth olsen kissing. there was a thread posted by one of his fans. a thread of multiple pictures of the two on a date. you specifically remember the outfit chris was wearing in the photos being the one he left the house in.

and tears quickly formed in your eyes. so that's where he was? out cheating on me? you and elizabeth were mutuals, you met through chris. she was an awesome person, but you weren't close enough with her to the point where she would know about you and chris' relationship.

otherwise, you assumed, she wouldn't have gone on a date with a man who has a girlfriend.

so this was all on chris. him and a clueless elizabeth. instead of leaving his house without a word, you decided to wait. you waited until nearly 11pm, when chris finally arrived.

he looked at you for a second, sadness in his eyes seeing that you have been crying, but quickly masked it away.

"so you and olsen, huh..?" you said. you weren't quite sure how you felt. anger, sadness, it was all tangled up in one.

"i was gonna tell you-" he started. "save it." you said. "just tell me why." i replied.

"why what?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"why wasn't i good enough for you.." you whispered. you could feel his stare on you. "you just weren't good enough.." chris said.

you nodded, scoffing shortly after. "and to think actually was.." you let many tears fall from your face.

you stayed quiet for a long time, not knowing that the silence was killing chris, eating him up inside.

you took one last look at chris, no sense of guilt in his eyes.

"goodbye. i love you.. always will.." you said,  walking right out of his door for the last time.

chris' p.o.v.

once i knew y/n had left, i let out a painful scream, grabbing the vase on the table and throwing it at the ground, watching it break into a million pieces.

"FUCK!" i cried out, realizing i had just lost the love of my life.
the one person who could make me smile when i'm sad.
the one person who didn't care about my fame, who loved me for me.
my everything.
i lost her.
she was the best thing that could ever happen to me. i instantly regretted everything before it even began.

flashback, 3 hours before

"are you shitting me?" i told my manager once she finished speaking. "no, sir. i am not." she replied.

i pinched the bridge of my is nose. "i am not fucking breaking up with y/n, nor am i gonna cheat on her, to promote a fucking movie!" i yelled.

"sir, the producers spend a lot of good money on this movie. it would be a waste to see it not do so well in the theatres." my manager said. i shook my head. "you are absolutely out of your mind if you think i would do such a thing."

"think about it, you being with elizabeth olsen will have fans all over the world going crazy, making them want to watch the movie even more. sir, weren't you excited about the movie? you said yourself that all you've ever wanted was the role." my manager reasoned with me.

i shook my head. "no. never." i said.

"fine, christopher." my manager said. "i didn't want to do this the hard way but you've left me no choice. if you don't break up with y/n and fake it with elizabeth, i'll the whole world that you're dating her. she'll receive all sorts of hate, maybe even death threats..." my manager rambled on as my eyes went wide.

"i recall that she wanted to stay out of the spotlight, right?" my manger smirked. no matter how much i wanted to refuse, i couldn't. it would be selfish to do such a thing to y/n, the sweetest person in the world.

she doesn't deserve any hate, which is why i was never going to let that happen.

"fine.." i replied.

my manager smiled. "i'll call elizabeth. it'll only be for a few hours, time will fly when you're having fun."


i thought it would be easier to pretend that i was careless. like i couldn't give a damn if y/n knew about me "cheating" on her with elizabeth.

but the second i walked into my house, and the second i noticed she had been crying, i almost lost it.

and the worst part was, i couldn't dare to tell her it was to promote the movie.
because i recalled how once she asked me,

"if you had to choose between me and your job, what would you choose?"
and i replied with,

"you. i'll always choose you."

she'd think i'm a hypocrite, she'd never believe me. especially when i put on the "i don't give a fuck about your feelings" act. now she'd think i'm a douche.

but then i realized.
maybe it's better that way,
her hating me.

because maybe, the more she hates me, the sooner she'll forget about me. realize that i wasn't worth her time.

but on my part... i'll never stop thinking about her.i'll never forget the events that happened before she left, nor will i forget any of the moments before.

i love you y/n y/l/n.
always and forever.

a/n i dont like this that much lmao

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