deja vu || bucky barnes

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might just spam with fanfics based on songs from sour :)
no pronouns mentioned:-)

Car rides to Malibu
Strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two
And tradin' jackets
Laughin' 'bout how small it looks on you
Watching reruns of Glee
Bein' annoying, singin' in harmony
I bet she's braggin' to all her friends, sayin' you're so unique, hmm

your p.o.v.

immediately after opening instagram, a picture of bucky and nat appeared on my feed. i hated the urge i had to swipe through the photos, but i did anyway.

a picture of him and nat eating ice cream whilst sitting on the couch was the cover of the post.

flashbacks of sharing strawberry ice cream whilst watching (your favourite show) popped into my head.

"why.. why would you want strawberry ice cream when there's so many flavours to choose from.." bucky complained when i came from the store, that being the only flavour i brought back.

"you haven't tried this brand before. i promise you'll never want to try anything else ever again."

"i highly doubt that, but okay."

despite his protests, he ended up loving the ice cream. i swiped. the next photo was of just nat, smiling happily at the camera, wearing the hoodie he once gave to me.

"it's huge, bucky," i grinned, hugging his hoodie closer to my body. he let me wear his since he hogged up the blanket. it was the least he could do.

"you look amazing, y/n. i love it on you."

my eyes watered as i stared at the screen. the last photo was of them at the lake. i resisted the urge to throw my phone across the room.

the lake my family and i spent many summers at. the lake i introduced him to three years ago.

So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?
She thinks it's special, but it's all reused
That was our place, I found it first
I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you

my eyes fell upon the caption of the post.

buckybarnes Six months with you. Thank you for everything, I love you <3.
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i let the tears fall for a few moments before i clicked on his page and did something i never thought i'd do. i hit unfollow. for my mental health. i don't think i could bear to constantly be reminded of how happy they are together.

he called me paranoid for being insecure about his friendship with nat. her and i were best friends before she started dating bucky.

"you're being paranoid, y/n. there's nothing going on between nat and i. why would that ever happen? she's your best friend, i'd never do that to you."

"okay but if-"

"i love you, y/n. believe me, okay?"

the worst part about bucky and i's breakup was how quickly he moved onto nat. he was single for two weeks before him and nat got together.

and despite how utterly shitty i feel, i can't bring myself to move on. i'm too scared of being betrayed once again, seeing how easily he forgot about me.

everything is all reused.

time skip asf now ure in a happy relationship with loki

————time skip asf now ure in a happy relationship with loki

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