sfw alphabet || mobius m. mobius

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a = affection
how affectionate are they? how do they show their affection?

hes not the most affectionate person. of course, you still get some here and there, but you're typically the one to initiate it. he shows his affection by doing little things he'll know will make you happy, like making your coffee the way you like it, remembering that detail you told him ages ago, etc.

b = best friend
what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?

you're both tva agents so before dating, you two were already good friends. you went on missions with him all the time, and he always came to you for advice.

c = cuddles
do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?

since time in the tva is different, you guys don't really have a "bedtime." you go to bed whenever you're tired, a random time each day. it's very rare for you to sleep at the same time he does, but when it happens, he'll definitely cuddle with you, even for a short while.

d = domestic
do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?

he was intent on keeping things professional, that was until he met you. he never, ever imagined himself having a family of his own, but now it's all he ever thinks about. just for you, he's learned to cook a few things. he's never really had to since there was a cafeteria, but he wanted to impress you.

e = ending
if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?

he'd only breakup with you if it truly threatened the sacred timeline. he'd tell you just that, and avoid you as much as possible, not wanting to be reminded of all the memories you shared.

f = fiance(e)
how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?

doesn't really know much about weddings, do he doesn't care that much. as long as you're together, that's all that matters to him.

g = gentle
how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?

the most gentle being in the universe. he's patient, compassionate, caring and so much more.

h = hugs
do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?

he loves hugs. especially when he's stressed, all he wants is even just the quickest hug from only you to remind him that it's alright.

i = i love you
how fast do they say the l-word?

he let it slip out. you both work in different departments in the tva, so before you parted, a "love you," just came out. you were shocked but said it back. later on, he told you that he never knew the l-word was such a big deal.

j = jealousy
how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?

doesn't really get jealous. all the people you talk to our people you've worked with almost your entire life. they're all like family to you, so he doesn't mind. you could tell he was jealous of loki, though. all he needs is reassurance.

k = kisses
what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?

soft, delicate and gentle kisses are his favourite. he likes when you place a kiss on the corner of his mouth just before kissing his lips. he thinks it's the best thing in the world.

l = little ones
how are they around children?

he is very gentle. the first time you saw him interact with a kid, you practically melted at the sight. the tva can look very scary, especially to people from the past, but he never wants others to fear him.

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