• Over It || Sebastian Stan •

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everynight, it's the same routine. i get home from work, wait for sebastian, only for him to be late.

and everynight, i smell all the different perfumes on his clothes. i missed his smell, a smell he had before he went all hollywood, before he was famous, when he was just that romanian kid in high school.

before he used his fame to get whoever he wanted. and truth be told, he's been doing this for a good 7 months. yes, you've been counting just how long your boyfriend of 4 years and 11 months has been cheating on you.

a confrontation would make sense. leaving him would make sense. making him feel how you felt would make the most sense of all. but, you couldn't. what was holding you back? you couldn't answer, you just knew you still loved sebastian.

it was wrong, wrong to still love such a monster.

[seb walks in]
(this is like a play lol im sorry.)

oh, i almost forgot about the rest of the routine! sebastian would come home partly drunk, but sober enough to be aware of his actions. he knew he was cheating on you, hurting you.

"hey, seb.." he hasn't talked to you in forever. it's like you guys forgot how to talk to each other. "i'm going to bed." he grumbled, making you sigh.

"where were you?" you asked before he could get up the stairs. "with friends!" he shouted, annoyed. it's how he was when he was drunk, you've learned to sorta deal with it.

lie number 17, you counted.
i'm tired of the lies.
and i love him,
but i'm tired of him, too.

it's weird, no? to be so tired of someone and their mistakes, their bullsh*t that you're completely out of it, but you still love him and would do anything for him?

i think i need to get that checked..

the next morning
you woke up, stretching on the couch. yeah, you couldn't even sleep in the same room as each other.

sebastian came down for breakfast, sober, of course.

"goodmorning, seb." "hey." he said blankly, making avocado toast. "can you.. uhm- can you come home after work..?" you questioned. before all of the cheating started, he'd do anything for you; including taking off work whenever you wanted to go on a date.

"what, a date?" he almost scoffed. "nevermind, sorry.." you said. you already knew he'd say something along the lines of that, but you gave it a shot anyways. besides, it's the most talking you guys have done in a while.

he sighed. "sorry. yeah, i'll- i'll come home.. i can just cancel with the boys." he said, sounding a bit sad.

you felt bad, but were happy. maybe the spark was still there. maybe he would stop all of this. maybe he would be in love with you again.

regardless, lie number 18.

you normally get off work at 5:00pm, which gave you plenty of time to get ready for your date. you were going to a fancy restaurant, so you wanted to look presentable for both the place and sebastian.

sebastian came through the door whilst you applied some lipstick. "wow.. you look.. hot.." he said breathless.

you wanted to roll your eyes. funny how hollywood he had gotten, to the point where he can't call you beautiful anymore, just 'hot.'

"thanks." you replied. he went off to get ready.

he put on a navy blue coloured tuxedo that always suited him so well.

the restaurant
"so.. do you want f/d?" (fancy dish lol) you questioned, looking up from the menu only to see sebastian smiling at his phone. you cleared your throat, making him look up.

"oh.. what?" he questioned, looking at the menu but not turning off his phone. you saw another woman's name.

that ruined the night. but, just one more date. get through one more date.

you guys ordered and your tried to small talk with him. he was on his phone. again.

would he even notice if you left? more importantly, would he care? he's so occupied probably sexting the woman he was supposed to meet up with.

"so.. how was work?" you questioned awkwardly. "good." he said not looking up. "who're you texting?" "nobody.. just- anthony. i'm texting anthony," he said.

lie number 19.

you shook your head, actually scoffing. honestly if you screamed out loud sebastian wouldn't even look up.

"sebastian!" you yelled at him, he finally looked up. "y'know, i thought this date would help us- 'reconnect' or help you stop cheating- but i was wrong. we're done, sebastian. and soon, all the girls you have lining up will be done, too, if you don't get your sh*t together. they'll get tired of you. just like i did." you said, grabbing your bag and walking right out.

"that felt good, didn't it." chris questioned. "yeah.. yeah it did." you gave him a kiss and walked into his car.

im totally kidding about that last part but if you idk want it.. well theres an alternative.

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