thunderstorms || bucky barnes

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fluff <3

your p.o.v.

it was one of those days where you didn't really feel like doing anything. a "lazy day," as many people like to call it. i was laying in bed, watching netflix when i realized that it was raining outside.

9:32pm, the clock read. i thought nothing of it, a bit of rain doesn't hurt anybody.

at around 10pm, i heard thunder, which made me jump. "shit." i mumbled, turning off the lights and settling into bed.

i tried my best to use my blankets to block out the sound of thunder, but everytime it struck, i jumped.

many people make fun of me, many think its silly how i'm an avenger with a fear of thunder. it's been a stranger fear i've had ever since i was little. i grew up in (your hometown), where it didn't storm too often, but whenever it did, i freaked out.

not many things scared me. heights? sharks? snakes? no problem. but for some reason, i couldn't shake my horrible fear of thunder.

thunder struck again, and i squealed. i was nearly shaking, scared out of my mind. maybe it was the darkness that scared me. the bolt that lit up the sky that i feared. i'll never know.

bucky was in his room, down the hall. four rooms away from mine. i could call him. he could spend the night. but he'd think i was a wimp, who's scared of thunder at this age?

"for fucks sake.." i said aloud when i heard the loud noise. i could hear the water droplets falling onto the roof. it was pouring and it was loud.

i've had enough. i finally gave in, deciding to call my boyfriend, bucky. him and i have only been dating for nearly 3 months, i trusted him with my life, but telling him my biggest fear wasn't ideal.

"he-hello..?" i whispered, trying to hide my fear as i heard thunder strike yet again. "y/n? what's wrong?" bucky's voice sounded raspy, like he just woke up.

"i'm- i'm sorry for waking you.." i sniffled. "baby, are you okay? what's wrong??" the concern in his voice was evident.

"um, do you think you can spend the night over here? or i can come over.. i mean if not that's okay. i'm sorry for waking you-"

"shhh.. baby, it's okay. i'm on my way. i'm walking over right now." he hung up the phone after about 10 seconds of silence.

"bucky??" i said, confused. a knock at my door startled me. i sped to the door, jumping into bucky's arms the second i saw him. i shrieked, anothing flash of lightning.

"woah, what's wrong?" he asked, i clung onto him as he walked into my room, closing the door shut.

"please don't laugh at me.." i whispered as he sat me down on the bed. "i'll never make fun of you, ever." he swore.

"thunder just.. scares me. i've been scared of it ever since i was a kid-" i cut myself off and, instead, jumped into bucky's arms, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

he must've realized how serious it was by how afriad i was acting.

"it's going to be okay, i promise.." he reassured me. he held me tightly, if it was any other time i would've complained.

he placed kisses all over my face, he comforted me everytime lightning struck and he constantly said sweet things to me. he let me know that i wasn't "silly" or "immature" for being afraid.

"everybody has a fear of something, right? you're not a wimp, y/n. i don't think any different of you. i love you, baby. you're going to be okay." he whispered gently, laying down next to me.

i laid my head down on his chest and he played with my hair until i fell asleep. the thunder finally stopped and i was able to get some sleep.

"goodmorning." bucky said, looking over at me. the sun was seeping through the blinds, almost blinding me.

"goodmorning.." i said with my groggy morning voice. i smiled, turning over to face bucky. "thank you so much for staying with me yesterday. i don't know what i'd do without you."

i made my way closer to bucky, cuddling up next to him. "anytime, princess." he smiled.

we laid in bed for another hour or so, just talking. we should do this more often, i thought.

finally deciding to get out of bed, we made our way downstairs to the kitchen where the rest of the avengers were sitting, eating breakfast.

"thor? you're back already?" bucky said, rubbing his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly.

"yeah, i thought i'd surprise you guys! sorry if i disturbed anybody with the thunder yesterday.." he chuckled, tossing his hammer in the air as if it was nothing.

"that was YOU?!" i said.

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