for our son || sebastian stan

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your p.o.v.

"goodnight, honey. sleep well. i love you." you said, kissing your four year old son on his forehead. "goodnight, mommy," he said with a smile. "i love you."

you turned on his avengers night light before turning off his lights, closing the door on your way out. you made your way to the question where sebastian was sitting there, anger painted all over his face.

"seriously, y/n?!" he said in an annoyed, yet low tone, not wanting to wake your son up. "what now." you replied with an eye roll.

"i was fucking gone all day and you seriously didn't so shit? come one, y/n. i'm the only one working here, it's the least you could do.." he said. you know that tone, the tone he uses right before he's about to snap.

"because i was taking care of our son!" you said a bit too loudly, mentally cursing at yourself because y/s/n (your sons name) probably heard.

"you could've cooked, done the dishes, literally anything!" this was a constant thing in the stan household. fighting nonstop. the fighting began almost as soon as you two got married, and only got worse once you had your son.

why don't we just get divorced? that would make things a lot better, wouldn't it. but we tried our best to put aside our differences for our son, which, as you can tell, as not been going well at all.

"i was writing, sebastian. i have a job too." you snapped back, earning a scoff from sebastian which made your blood boil.

"yeah, a job that allows you to sit on your ass all day! do you now how hard it is having to work right now, especially with all this coronavirus shit going on?!" he raised his voice.

"and do you know how hard it is taking care of a child you're barely here for?!" you yelled back. you and sebastian fight often, yes, but rarely did it ever get to the point where you guys were yelling at one another.

"stop right there, i'm not home because you decided to quit your job!" he said, and you deeply considered how bad the damage would be if you threw a vase of a dozen dead roses at his face.

"because you let me, so that i could he here for our child!" he pinched the bridge of his nose, and you were so furious that you were shaking.

"mommy? daddy?" your head snapped to the hallway where you saw your son with a worried expression, messy hair and his dinousar stuffed animal in hand.

fuck, you thought. "what's happening?" he asked, inching towards you guys. sebastian opened his arms and y/s/n isntantly went to hug him.

"nothing, y/s/n. mommy and i are just talking about adult stuff, okay? nothing to be worried about." y/s/n placed his head in the crook of sebastian's neck, falling asleep after a few minutes.

sebastian carefully carried him back to his room and tucked him in his bed while you rubbed your temples.

seb came back, a lot less angry than he was earlier. he was cautious when sitting at the table.

"we can't do this anymore.." you said, staring at the wall infront of you, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"i know.." he whispered, and that was the sad part. there was no way we could save our marriage, believe me, we tried.

"y/s/n deserves better than this," he continued, looking at you. you continued to stare at the wall, only nodding at what he was saying. "i agree." you said quietly.

"i'll call a lawyer soon.." now it was awkward.

"i'm sorry things didn't work out.." you said softly, finally turning your gaze to sebastian. "me too.." he said honestly.

"but, hey, we can still he friends, right?" probably not, you thought, but you weren't going to say that out loud.

"of course." your replied.

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