you've changed || tom holland

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whats going on with seb lol whys he "canceled?"
your p.o.v.

tom has been your best friend ever since you guys could walk. been in a relationship since high school. now? you don't even recognize him.

he used to be this super sweet, nerdy, dorky gentleman. now hes a stuck up celebrity. just like the rest. he's the person he'd promise he'd never become.

you guys are still together, but it feels like he's long gone. and you're afraid he is, forever. the old tom, the one you became best friends with and fell in love with..? he's not coming back.

you waited. he looked different, too. but subtle changes. new hairstyle, muscular. you didn't care too much about that. his body, his choices.

but his personality change was something you simply couldn't ignore.

of course you were happy for him. his career was taking off. but did you think he would leave you and his past life? never in a million years.

so here you were, sat here waiting on the couch for him to get home.

but why? it's not like he's going to talk to you. whenever he gets home, he barely shoots you a glance. so why were you even trying so hard to talk to him? be apart of his life?

a part of you hopes that the old him is still in there. but a part of you knows that he's gone.

tom was supposed to be home 2 hours ago. you read a book on the couch as you waited, patiently. you loved reading. it got you away from the real word.

"why're you still up?" tom said, startling you. marking the page you left off on and closing the book, you looked at him. taking in his beauty, the same brown eyes that you've loved since forever, the lips you used to kiss. beneath them, a beautiful pearly white smile.

"was waiting for you.." you shrugged, rubbing your eyes. it was late, you were tired and had work tomorrow.

"okay," tom stood there for a second. he looked like he had more to say, like he wanted to say more, but he couldn't.

tom took one last, quick glance at you before heading to the kitchen. you stood up, following behind him from, at least, a 6 foot distance.

you made sure there was a seat between you two when you sat down in the kitchen. "tom..?" you said, your voice shaking.

you dreaded this conversation for years. i mean, who wouldn't? this was it.

this was the confirmation that it was all over. that you guys were done.

"hm?" he replied, not even looking up from his phone. taking a deep breath in, you cracked your knuckles, something tom hated, but something you also did when you were nervous.

whether tom noticed or didn't notice, he didn't say anything.

"you and i both know this isn't working out.." i said, avoiding his gaze. "i get it.." he replied, not saying anything after that. it was silent for a while, neither of us daring to speak up.

"tom?" you said once again. he stared at the bowl in front of him, "yes?" he responded, a hint of.. kindness? in his tone. the closest he'll ever get to his old self, you thought.

"i love you," you said, breaking down into tears. you genuinely didn't expect to cry at all this night, especially since you and him both expected this to happen.

he didn't respond for a bit, as if he was deep in thought. "but you've changed." you said after coming to the realization he wasn't going to say anything else.

"i know.." he said under his breath, almost so quietly that you would've missed it if it weren't for the already painfully quiet room.

you finally brought your head up to look at him, seeing the guilt in his eyes.

but he still looked perfect. god, this man.

"i love you too, y/n. i really do. and i'm sorry that i didn't show it." tom said truthfully. way different from his, 'i don't give a shit about you anymore,' tone.

with a nod and a sympathetic smile, you finally built up the courage to leave the room, his apartment, without looking back.

where were you gonna go? no clue yet.
but you were free.

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