• Birthday || Sebastian Stan •

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a/n; how fcuking sexy lmao. anywho..
warning: language and FLUFF UWU
(3 Days Before Sebastian's Birthday)
2 am. Sebastian still wasn't home. You waited on the couch, staring blankly at the t.v. screen. The door front door finally slowly opened, Sebastian being cautious not to wake you even though you were wide awake. It was 2:14 by now. "Oh, darling! You're awake!" Sebastian called out, taking off his shoes. You didn't respond. "Darling? What's wrong?" he asked, sitting next to you. "Where the fuck were you?" you said sharply, avoiding eye contact. "I told you I had to work late today, you know, filmin-" he spoke. "Save it." you said, turning off the t.v. and getting off the couch. Sebastian grabbed your arm before you could walk away. "What's your problem?" he said, trying to remain calm. "You think I don't know, huh?" I said with sarcasm in my voice, rolling my eyes. "Don't know what?" he asked, dumbfounded. "That you're cheating on me!" I yelled. "Excuse me?," he said. "So, since I have to work late, I'm 'cheating' on you?" he said, raising his voice. Before you could respond, he continued. "Who do you think pays the bills, huh? Who do you think provides for us, gets you shit whenever you want? Oh, ME!" he yelled, causing your eyes to water. "You're lucky enough I let you live in my damn house! But since you wanna accuse me of cheating, you can get the fuck out!" he said "Wait, Sebastian-" I spoke but got cut off. "OUT!" he yelled, anger fuming through him. I've never seen him this mad. Tears were flooding down my face as I grabbed my keys, not looking back as I walked out the door. I drove to my house which was 2 hours away, it was sunrise once I finally got there. Now, how the hell was I supposed to give Sebastian my gift for him? Better yet, how am I supposed to go to his surprise party without him being pissed at the sight of me?
PRESENT DAY (Sebastian's Birthday)
Seb's P.O.V.
I groaned as I smacked my alarm clock, realizing today was August 13th, my birthday. It is my birthday and Y/N isn't here. It is my birthday and Y/N isn't here because I kicked her out. I felt awful, I miss her. I want her back. I need her. But, there's no way she would want to talk to me, right?
Y/N's P.O.V.
I just wanna talk to Sebastian. I miss him more than anything. I texted Chris (Evans), asking if he remembered the plan on how Sebastian was going to receive my birthday gift. He replied with a simple, "Yes." I sighed, wishing I could be the one to give Sebastian the birthday gift. I rolled out of bed, getting ready for the day. I put on a casual outfit and little makeup. I put the extra makeup I needed for later into a tiny makeup bag. I put my dress, heels, and makeup bag into the car. I, myself, got into the car, driving to the hotel to help setup for the party.

 I, myself, got into the car, driving to the hotel to help setup for the party

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a/n: y/n's outfit for the day. i thought it was cute idk. it's also sideways because it took up so much damn space, smh.
Seb's P.O.V.
I had received a message from one of my best friends, Chris. He said, "Meet me outside of your house." That was.. odd. Moments later he added on, "And bring a tux." Even more strange. I did as he asked, grabbing a tuxedo and dress shoes on my way out.

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