sleep paralysis (Remington)

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Since I was little I've had sleep paralysis. I didnt know what it was back then until my parents explained it to me. When it would happen people would come visit me. Some of them were nice and others were mean.

I was friends with with one though. She looked like a princess with her long hair and dress. She would sit in front of my bed and tell me stories.

Other time the mean ones showed up. They didn't do anything to be mean. They just looked mean. One of them set my room on fire. I thought it was real until they disappeared and everything went back to normal.

Here recently I've gotten a new visitor. He has spikey blue hair and odd outfits. He sits on my desk and just stares at me. At first he scared me but I slowly warmed up to him.

The first time he showed up he looked like he didn't even want to be here. "So.. I'm Remington. I'm your new sleep paralysis demon. I know you cant move or say anything so I'll do all the talking, okay." I blinked as a way of saying yes.

He talked about all kinds of stuff. His favorite things, how long he's been a sleep paralysis demon, his favorite people he's watched over, and other things.

"Well it looks like the suns coming up y/n. I'll see you tonight." As soon as he disappeared my body relaxed and I fell asleep.

I woke up around one in the afternoon. My parents were arguing as usual. I sighed and stayed in my room. Everything they argued about was known knowledge. Mom was cheating and dad lost his job.

While they argued I listened to music and finished a book. I was reading Words On Bathroom Walls since it was about to be a movie soon. So far it's not that bad but it's also not that good.

As they day carried on I found myself taking a couple naps. Remington cam and visited me. I knew he heard the commotion downstairs but I guess he chose to ignore it. This time around he noticed certain posters and books around my room. He complimented me on most of them.

He left and I fell back asleep. A few hours later I woke up and the sun was setting. Mom came in my room to tell me dinner was ready. I followed her downstairs and didn't see dad. I shrugged and got my plate of whatever she made. We ate together and discussed our day. Well, more like asked each other about the day.

"How long did you sleep?" "Three hours. "

"Where's dad?" "Out."

And that was our conversation.

A few weeks go by. Arguments turn more heated and more tears spill. Remington still comes and visits me in my paralyzed state. He tells me things will eventually get better. I don't believe him.

One day things got bad. The argument went screaming and yelling to hitting and shouting. Dad went for mom. I got in front of him and got a nice slap to the face. I'll have a bruise for a while. I went up to my room trying to hide the tears. I open the door and Remington is on my bed.

"I thought you only showed up when I'm asleep." I said through tears. "I figured I'd stop by now." He opened up his arms and I collapsed into them. It was weird because they were real. He was real. He wasn't just some figment of my imagination on that moment. He was real.

He held me and let me sob into his mesh shirt. I apologized but he said it was fine. I wrapped myself around him and held on for dear life. He reached over to my bedside table and grabbed the book I was reading. He starting reading it to me as if it was a bedtime story. I smiled and listened to his wonderful voice.

I started yawning and he stopped. He put the book back a d attempted to get up only for me to stop him. "Don't go." I said barely above a whisper. "I have to. I'll be back tomorrow. I promise. Try and get some sleep. He disappeared and I just layed there staring at my ceiling as I thought to myself.

'The only person that cares about me right now is a demon and I dont even know if he's fully real.'

By for now my loves

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