let me help (emerson)

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Everything was normal. I was jumping around in place at a Palaye Royale concert. I've loved them forever and finally got a chance to see them live.

They played song after song. It was great. Until it wasn't. My heart rate sped up,my hands got sweaty,and I got light headed. Before everything turned black I heard some one yell "security!"

I woke up and had no idea where I was. In a plain white room. There were drawings all over the walls. The bed had black sheets and comforter. My head was throbbing.

The door opened which got my attention and I couldn't believe who it was. It was Emerson. Yes, Emerson Barrett of Palaye Royale. "Hey, you're up! How are you feeling?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

I shrugged. "My head really hurts." I said softly. He nodded and got up. He came back with some pain killers and a glass of water. "Here you go" he said handing me both. "Thanks" o said taking the pills.

"So I bet you have some questions." He said. I nodded. "What happened last night?" I asked moving my (hair color) hair out of my face. "Well, we were in the middle of you'll be fine and I noticed your eyes roll back. I jumped from my drums to try to help you but it was too late. We pulled into a medic tent and they said you would be okay. None of us obviously knew where you lived so I volunteered to bring you with me." He said.

"Why did you bring me with you. Out of everybody else. I don't mean that in a mean way of course " I quickly added. "I understand, probably because I saw you in the crowd before you passed out and you looked very pretty. After that happened they guys noticed to, that's why they wanted me to be the one to take you." I blushed a little.

"So we should probably get you home" he said. I frowned. "Unless you don't want to." He added. "I don't really have a home to go to. I stay with my friend but she's been begging me to leave." I say. He looked at me. "I know we've only known each other for less than a day,but I think it would be better if you stayed with me." 'say yes! This Emerson Barrett we're talking about!' shut up me! I looked at him. "Sure"

We went to my friends house to get my stuff. " I just realized I never asked your name." He said while driving. "It's y/n." I said. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blushed again.

We entered my room. All of my band posters on the walls. My red and black blankets on my bed. My clothes we in my drawers. I grabbed some bags and threw my clothes and other important things in there. I then found my box. I stared at it. "Hey y/n are you-whats that?" He cut himself off. "C-can we talk about it when we get back?" He nodded and we left.

As soon as we got in the door he asked. "So what was in the box. He asked sitting down on the couch. "I-I-" I couldn't get the words out. I raised up my sleeves to reveal several lines. Some newer than others.

He stared in awe. "Why y/n?" "You wouldn't understand" I said. "Try me" I sighed. My dad left when I was little and my mom blamed it on me and told what a terrible person I was and other things. My roommate who I thought was my best was really just a snake who made fun of me and didn't even care about me. No one's ever cared about me!" I sobbed into his chest. "I know what it's like to not have a dad. Ours left a little after I was born, but we made it work. We didn't need a dad. Our mom supported us through every step into our music career." He looked at me. "Let me help you y/n. Let me show you what happiness is. Let me show you what being loved is like. Let me show you that life is worth living." He said through tears.

"Why?" I simply said through tears. "Why would you of all people want to help me!" Cause in the one day that I've known you I've realised that I love you." "How could you love someone you barely even know?" "Ever heard of soulmates?" He asked. I nodded. "Well I think I found mine" he pulled me closer to him. For once I've felt at home. Which was in someone's arms.

By for now my loves

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